But see it from the mom's perspective, when Haesoo's mother married Jowoon's father, that automatically made them brothers --like it or not-- and by having a non-platonic love they were kind of disrespecting their parent's marriage, also they (at least on Jowoon's side) were just having sex with each other becouse of a whim(? y'know becouse they didn't like their parents marriage. Also just hearing that your son is having sex with his step-brother is prerry shocking by itself and from a parent's perspective being step-brothers makes them kind of like real brothers (blood related), with that perspective in mind. How could you ever expect her to be supportive of that?
Because they don’t see each other as brothers. The mom could be upset that they don’t see each other as so, but she can also understand why. And even if the brothers were only messing around to mess the marriage, that shouldn’t have made the parents divorce seeing as they’re still in love with each other so I’m saying: The mom made it a huge ass deal. Bigger than necessary. They could’ve still been a family and the dad’s son could’ve been her son in law. From what I remember, the sons started doing stuff out of curiosity, not to destroy the marriage? And even so, the parents are trying marry again, and that most likely won’t stop the sons from fucking each other either. When a person gets remarried after a divorce, the parents need to think about a lot ahead of time, INCLUDING how each other’s family’s aren’t blood related and HOW that could affect them. HOW the kids may or may not ever relate as siblings and be OPEN MINDED of it as well as take precautions in case someone in the other’s family is truly fucked up. But step siblings falling in love and/or having sex and upsetting the parents is really nothing compared to other shit mixed families that experienced two or more marriages go through.
I honestly find step sibling relationship to be disgusting to the max.
Im not sure if you are personally in a relationship with your step sibling, but the way I was raise was obviously different. The mom just wanted to be happy I dont understand why you called her selfish. She had no problem with him being gay.
It honestly understandable as to why shes mad and did what she did.
Because step siblings may not see each other ad siblings since day 1. Step siblings are not related by blood so it’s actually not gross but maybe it can be uncomfortable. And no, I don’t have step siblings. The mom is selfish because she did not even let the sons talk it out with her at all. She just closed off on them. If I had step children that liked each other I wouldn’t let that get to me because I would understand 100% that they don’t see each other as family. That’s all.
Well duh. The sibling that shares blood would have to be taught that his stepsiblings are not blood related to each other that his siblings are only siblings because of a paper that says their parents are married to each other.. just a straight to the point explanation like that... and it doesn’t matter who left who because surely it wouldn’t even have happened if they had properly talked about it had the mom let them.
I still prefer the main couple, the stepbrothers, and I ship them. I feel like there wouldn’t be such a mess if the mom wasn’t so selfish and had actually tried to understand that they don’t see each other as brothers. The mom could still be with the dad regardless of the sons being in love, but she made it all a bigger deal than it really is. The sons being together shouldn’t have an impact on her relationship if she reasoned how the sons are not blood related and should separate what she feels for them with how she thinks they should feel and treat each other. I feel like the dad could be supportive but we rarely hear from the dad. And fuck taco or whatever I don’t like him. He’s more fucked up than any of them. He literally used people in all his relationships, and it seems he would sleep with anyone as long as they were his models. Wtf