Looking for a bodyguard manga

RAINBOW January 23, 2020 9:23 pm

It's a yaoi manga. It's about a boy (let's call him A) who lived in the mountains. He decided to move into o the city but bad luck stuck him the place that he was supposed to stay fell through and the job he was supposed to have had also fell through I think. He was basically homeless. Then he ran into an old childhood friend (let's call him B). B allowed A to stay with him. This childhood friend turns out tho be from a rich family. How they met was that when B was little one of his family's servants had the boy put a note on a balloon and had the balloon float off. The balloon traveled from the city into the mountains to reach A. They ended up being penpals. Anyway A ended up being B's bodyguard when B's other two bodyguards insisted on it.
