I find myself attracted to the villain.
Lee Sehwan !! He deserves a redemptions arc with a happy ending!! Idc about...
Woah I didn't expect that ending and who the mc ended up with
F*ck, I´m 8 ch. in, and had to stop read to seriously think about whether...
I read the raws. I can’t korean so didn’t understand much of the dialogue but holyyyy. So from my assumptions Ho Yoon’s brother is gay and he had history with Se-Hwan (who is currently fking with the younger brother). Se-Hwan Probs want revenge because The older brother ditched him to get married to the wife. It also seems like the older brother adores the younger brother (making It another reason for him to fk the younger bro). Also, the older brother can’t comfortable fk his wife because girls don’t do it for him. The wife is annoyed. She might be up to something but idk. Chapter 22- old bro and se hwan meet Alone and shit is about to go down