Could it be that it taken down because some people have negative comments about this manga...

Meemajung January 23, 2020 2:34 am

Could it be that it taken down because some people have negative comments about this manga? if it’s true then it’s very sad:(

It’s just a story guys, lets not take it so serious?

    CJL January 22, 2020 11:45 pm

    I think it was taken down, as some people were complaining about how badly it was uploaded.

    melee January 23, 2020 12:49 am

    i don’t know for sure bc i didn’t read the chapter but i think a troll updated the chapter and did it all wrong and even out emojis everywhere -.-

    CJL January 23, 2020 1:31 am
    i don’t know for sure bc i didn’t read the chapter but i think a troll updated the chapter and did it all wrong and even out emojis everywhere -.- melee

    Definitely agree

    Cookies January 23, 2020 2:53 am

    The chapters uploaded were very strange, that’s why people were considering the uploader might be a troll and there were complains.
    The chapter was somehow split into two parts, even though it was supposed to be only one. The uploader, for some reason, divided the chapter in two and put the images in a confusing order, also cutting many speech bubbles. Besides, there were some giant fruit and vegetable emojis covering the sex scenes, a very weird and exaggerated form of censorship I’ve never seen in other manwhas in this site before.

    1evis1ittlea$$hole January 23, 2020 4:55 am

    Tbh the mangaka might have something to do about it too, they don't like these types of websites and have talked about it before :(