I saw a lot of people saying things about what Taku said, that he was happy to see that Haesoo was sad, but the meaning is that Taku was happy to see that Haesoo wasn't happy with his relationship. So, it was an opportunity for Taku to conquer Haesoo's heart.
IDK, for me, all the three (haesoo, taku and jowoon) made wrong decisions and both haesoo and haku are assholes with other people cuz they are cold with others and they broke a lot of hearts, but the thing is: they are honest, so it's okay in the end.
Jowoon is trying to make Haesoo stay but for me, he's convinced and it makes me feel angry as fuck
I just want to see the three of them happy and going to the therapist in the end

Too bad.. This posting would have been a bit helpful (regarding your little reminder at the beginning) and worth reading from the information (I had high expectations) .. but with all the arrogant ranting in between, it's unfortunately totally lost. Even those who are so masochistically inclined to read that will hardly be able to identify the essential things in all of this. If someone ever told you it was the purpose of communication to profile yourself at the expense of others, he would have given you a bad advice.
in the end a pure waste of time and nothing but air, too bad

girl what... If you are trying to say that the comment was hard to understand because you assume some people cannot identify the essential things in all of this, you should be saying that to urself. All the people who have replied to the original comment seemed to have understood it, plus the 25 who liked it. Idk what you're going on about..

Taku is manipulative, shady, weird and creepy he gets off on the fact that he can easily have his way wit haesoo and that haesoo agrees too. knowing it pisses joowon off bcs joowon loves haesoo. he was intrigued by their forbidden love story and gets off the fact that he can play puppetmaster with them thinking they dont know that he knows abt them. Stop defending taku. He came between them making things worse provoking joowon asking personal questions he has no right to ask. He's a stranger and suddenly acts like he has any right to demand things. Haesoo and joowon's story what goes on between them is none of taku's business. But taku thinks its fun to mess with them. They already have enough on their plate. He's a weirdo that shouldve not poked his nose in other people's business. Taku can have anyone. Haesoo isnt an innocent character either but he doesn't deserve haesoo. taku is gonna go back to japan where he can find his happiness. Taku doesn't have a place here. In the end haesoo will always choose joowon. Taku said that haesoo can use him and he is using haesoo in return. Both of them are using eo for their jobs. if haesoo and taku end up together its not going to work out either. Taku isnt a relationship kind of guy and he's just gonna hurt haesoo in the end his technique to woo men with his sweet words and dick wont do in a committed relationship. He's gonna need years to learn the difference between people and subjects. during that period of time they're gonna get bored of each other and taku will leave haesoo's ass to find a new candy to suck on. taku cant handle haesoo. taku to haesoo was just a distraction. In the long run taku wont stay and haesoo is just gonna get heartbroken again. Haesoo needs to figure his shit out and taku needs ro leave as he shouldve since day one. Haesoo might've enjoyed taku's dick and his sweet words bcs he needed them at the moment but he will never choose to be with taku forever. Haesoo is just gonna come running back to joowon and we all know that.

Not OP's problem. OP isnt here to persuade you, OP is here to rant, much like the behavior you would find in a COMMENT SECTION. Idk why your comment was built like that lol, if you dislike OP's writing you couldve said it more politely instead of calling it "a pure waste of time and nothing but air" (air isnt eve wasted?? Bitch im threw). OP's point was explained before they started ranting and its pretty clear to see. But here it is, since the writing was oh so unclear:** Taku has been acting the same way the entire comic, he hasn't become more sus than he already has been. He has consistently been transparent about his relationships and how he has dealt with them, so there is no need for "why is taku all of a sudden shady". Hes been 'shady' since day one.**
Truly truly hoped this helped and that you actually enjoy my writing, be sure to leave an unnecessarily passive aggressive review on it please and thx <3

Not OP's problem. OP isnt here to persuade you, OP is here to rant, much like the behavior you would find in a COMMENT SECTION. Idk why your comment was built like that lol, if you dislike OP's writing you couldve said it more politely instead of calling it "a pure waste of time and nothing but air" (air isnt eve wasted?? Bitch im threw). OP's point was explained before they started ranting and its pretty clear to see. But here it is, since the writing was oh so unclear: **Taku has been acting the same way the entire comic, he hasn't become more sus than he already has been. He has consistently been transparent about his relationships and how he has dealt with them, so there is no need for "why is taku all of a sudden shady". Hes been 'shady' since day one.**
Truly truly hoped this helped and that you actually enjoy my writing, be sure to leave an unnecessarily passive aggressive review on it please and thx <3

Hold on, where do we see that Taku gets off on haesoo and joowon's suffering? If I missed it, please point out clear evidence of this. He doesnt ever play puppeteer with them, at least not outrightly. Also, sure, Taku was interested bc of Haesoo's tragic story (which was clearly real but presented as fake); however, he's really starting to fall in love with Haesoo and we can see that by comparing his treatment of the ex bf and haesoo. Hes much more emotional and invested in the relationship with haesoo than with his ex bf, hes doing things out of spite/jealousy, something he didnt do for his exes. Taku may need some time to grow as a true partner, but he and Haesoo can grow together. Another thing, wasn't Joowon the one to instiagte things a majority of the time? Getting mad abt the lighter, nagging Haesoo for where hes at, inviting Taku for dinner, etc etc. Although taku is just as bad for continuing the fight, joowon starts a lot of these arguments that cause tension. Last thing, if Taku doesnt deserve Haesoo, then neither does Joowon. Joowon is toxic and controlling something that, using your own words, he'll "need years to learn" to get rid of. None of them are stable enough for another and ETA (Everyones The Asshole) in this scenario.
Side notes: I dont see explicit moments where taku is being this creepy guy who wants to start trouble. Please provide at least general summaries so i can search for shit.
Do you doubt Haesoo's control arpund Joowon that much? Hes made a fairly big turning point in defying Joowon recently if you forgot.
Why cant Taku handle Haesoo?

BLESS! literally what the fuck is up with the "Taku shady" "Taku's deceitful" Like did you all not just see how mf manipulative Jowoon tried to be with Haesoo. Honestly bothers me how everyone can't budge from their ship when it's clear that it wasn't gonna work out from the start. IT WASN'T HEALTHY IT WAS TOXIC. Everyone has a past, just like Haesoo and Taku but if you can grow and change for the better that's what should count. But again op thank you well said, I applaud you <3

Ah there it is! Bravo! Lmao I was just stating some obviously forgotten facts about the plot. Sorry (not sorry) it wasn't up to your "expectations"...guess I should've have thought about making you happy when writing this (not really).... Oops! My "bad".... Wait so you MANAGED to read through my "low expectation, waste of time and air" comment? Aren't you wasting quite a bit of YOUR time and "precious" air writing this "rant" too in response of my "low expectation, waste of time and air" comment? Oh wait or are you too blinded by your own ego to realize that you sounded quite hypocritical?
Umm I feel some of these comments are too dramatic. Like did y'all read the story properly up until now? Maybe too much smut fucked with some of your brains and FORGOT ANYTHING from the actual plot since the beginning?
Why are people claiming that Taku is "deceitful", "shady" and so on? Lmao he EXPLAINED in chapter 5 how his dating past was, the candy thing, even how he views people being hurt, etc. He talked about how he was curious about Haesoo around that time too...This chapter just proved that he's (changed)/changing and (fell)/falling for Haesoo and he's just realizing it...
And Haesoo is not that innocent either. Someone used a mouse metaphor to compoare Haesoo and Taku's relationship. I couldn't help but laugh, hoping it was sarcasm because I need some clarity please...Tell me, anyone remember chapter 1? Haesoo's dating history is not that perfect either. Oh I remember some people calling Haesoo a whore, manipulative, and all other shitty stuff for the first couple of chapters because of his dating history with other men, including Joowon. Now I bet these same people just misread chapter 58 and are quick to point fingers and JUMP to conclusions again without even trying to actually understand the plot itself or ANY of the characters without childish bias: "I just want my ship Haesoo Joowoon to end up together because Taku is shady."
Me: *rolls my eyes for 58 chapters until they fall off their sockets...probably before the end of the series*
I'm not gonna lie, I am one of the people who wishes that Haesoo and Taku end up together. That Haesoo and Joowon rebuild their relationship in a healthy way. I want both Haesoo and Joowon to find their happiness (preferably...seperately) without it being at the expense of their parents. I want their parents to find happiness without it being at the expense of Haesoo and Joowon. I want Taku to find happiness with Haesoo preferably (but it's not the end of the world if it's with someone else). Same goes for Joowon.
To sum it up, I'm not against any of the characters even if I have a personal preference. However, I don't let it cloud my judgment and lose sight of the plot and each of the character's POVs.
I think it's better to read until you have a good grasp of the story before making irrational comments and sounding delirious. It's impressive (sarcasm) that AFTER 58 chapters, most people here still haven't had a good grasp of all the characters and story without jumping to speculations every updates.
Go reread it from the beginning y'all. Jeez!