
Drity Thoughts January 30, 2020 2:39 pm


From what I gathered after rereading.

-Jim didn't commit suicide like the author in his novel, he's traveling like Ian was doing, evident in the last page.

-Irene, the girl that got Ian killed, was Ian's half-sister.

-Ian and Irene's mother don't remember each other even though they've met when Ian was 13 or 14. (

Jim tells Irene not to touch Ian's blood because of HIV.

---My biggest question is: Was Jim's love for Ian more than just platonic? (Was questioning it when I saw this page:

    Drity Thoughts January 30, 2020 3:18 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! navyblue

    Part of me thinks it's also because Jim might be in a relationship with Rick.