wooyeon asked junwoo if he still likes hanbit. he got all worked up and assumed that that's why junwoo doesn’t want to go to the usa with him (and thus doesn’t want to date him) but junwoo answers that hanbit is not the reason. wooyeon then questions junwoo that there’s nothing there in korea and that all his problems are already solved so why doesn’t he take this chance to go to the usa since it’s a rare opportunity but junwoo says he doesn’t want to go there without a meaning (not exactly sure what he meant by this, it could be that he wants to be assured first and stop feeling confused about wooyeon or that he has other plans, i don’t know). also it seems junwoo keeps wondering about what sort of relationship is theirs, whether wooyeon is using him or not, and he is confused since he feels there are still walls up around wooyeon. he then asks him what happened to his friend and wooyeon says that five years ago due to cancer but he didn’t want to talk about it until, well, you know the rest!
so junwoo told wooyeon that he wants to know what happened 5 years ago to wooyeon's friend and wooyeon asks him why does he want to know so junwoo finally admits to wooyeon that he likes him. also, junwoo even confronted him, he asked wooyeon whether he was with him as a replacement for his friend or not, so wooyeon tells his story (finally!!)
9 years ago wooyeon was 21 when he met the red haired guy, who is older than wooyeon by 4 years (not sure about this fact) and his name is kim inwoo. they became closer one time when inwoo found wooyeon get slapped in the face by what seems to be his bf, and he got hit because wooyeon asked him to breakup. inwoo decided to treat wooyeon's wounds and they got to know each other from then on. this inwoo guy was very caring and he took care of wooyeon (so at this rate it’s obvious wooyeon's changed and become this caring person because inwoo left a big impression on him). once they were eating together and inwoo had a nosebleed, he even admitted that it happened often but wooyeon was clueless until later, when inwoo went to the bathroom and didn’t come out so wooyeon went and found him unconscious on the floor.