In the defense of Yuki showing up again

Mashiro January 20, 2020 12:48 pm

Yuki’s arc needed to continue because it will strengthen Ue and Mafuyu’s relationship and wrap up Mafuyu’s development. There were too many unanswered questions surrounding Yuki anyway and it would’ve felt disappointing if it didn’t continue. Plus from the beginning, it felt like Mafuyu wasn’t over Yuki at all as it was only a short time between losing Yuki and getting together with Ue. It’s not that easy to get over someone, especially if it’s someone as glorified as Yuki. This way it’ll feel more realistic. I’d rather have well developed characters than a shallow romance without closure.

Ue is my favourite though and I’d be rooting for him all the way. I want everyone to be happy but him especially

    Fujoshi-sama January 20, 2020 1:12 pm

    You're so right, it's still painful watching them go through this process, but it's much needed to make better developed characters and story.

    WuXian Suibian January 20, 2020 2:01 pm

    Agreed. As much as Mafuyu says he likes Ue, I am not sure he is 100% ready to give him his heart completely. I don't think Mafuyu takes anything lightly. He's not one to make snap decisions about things. He thinks them through. Yuki was his everything and that is not something that will be quickly overcome. He may have become infatuated with Ue and Ue's music, how IN love with Ue he is I am not sure. Mafuyu wants to move and is trying too but is still shackled by his feeling for Yuki and probably feel guilty for the feelings he has for Ue. Mafuyu still needs time to heal, but at the same time its making Ue frustrated and losing his confidence in their relationship as he has to compete with Yuki's lingering influence on Mafuyu. Mafuyu needs to learn to communicate better with Ue, what he is feeling so they can work through it together. I am hoping that Mafuyu will talk with Shizu to work though his feelings/thoughts. And I hope Hiragii an Shizu will help Ue hold on until Mafuyu can truly open up. At this point we have yet to see him actually talk to Ue about Yuki, and I think he needs too.

    not a fujoshi January 20, 2020 4:37 pm

    finally. someone who doesn’t see one side.