Quick (or not really) summary of chapter 51 (part 2)

KimHoRi January 18, 2020 6:31 pm

<part one available below, forgot to log in>

"It's nothing important. It's okay, really...It's just when you went to buy bentou, I got a call from Nii-chan. He says that he wants to talk to me, just the two of us. I don't know when, but I agreed nevertheless. He says that he wants to listen to my opinion properly this time. I know where he's coming from, so this time I think I want to get myself together and face the problem myself."
"It's 330, so 3300¥" (Misaki should pay this much (roughly 30$) for the train ticket)
(I'm not quite sure, I can't read the annotations below the text. I did a research and it turns out that 330 in astrology (this particular combination of numbers) means - "You can do what you set your mind on"
Btw, if it's 300 then it means that you have been given a message from the heavens and should act upon it. Link to the article I've found: https://www.timeless-edition.com/archives/19118 )
"It's way to little!"
"It's a matter of perception (feelings)."
"At least, raise the digit by one zero. I can pay that much" 33000Y = 300$
"I'll take it gratefully and transfer the money into your savings."
"Eh, what savings?"
"It's a secret."
"I hope it's nothing weird!"

They exit the carriage (the train is a touristic attraction). Misaki is feeling really cold, Usagi makes fun of him for not wearing appropriate clothes. Misaki tells him it's his fault for changing the destination from Kyuushuu to Touhoku (Kyuushuu is really warm, while Touhoku cold, second to Hokkaidou).
They meet Usagi-haha and proceed to have lunch. It turns out that she decided to have the trip after getting a call from the Ninja (lolol). She also wanted to have a look at the scenery Usagi wrote about, which is in the vicinity.
After parting with Usagi's mother, Misaki asks Usagi about the scenery.
"I have read nearly all of your books, but I don't remember such scenery."
"I haven't written about it in my books."
"Here, I was right."
"I haven't written about it in books, but I did long ago write about it in a column of a magazine."
Misaki wants to reassure Usagi that his mother really cares about him, but Usagi dismisses the thought and says that she must have got it passed by from Tanaka.
Misaki reassures him that if she wasn't interested she wouldn't have read it. Misaki doesn't know what to say so he settles on "Usagi-san's books are amazing, after all"
Usagi laughs while Misaki mumbles.
U: "I'm so glad I came here with you"
M's thoughts: 'If you say anything more I feel like digging up a hole and burying myself inside it.'
They go outside and play around in the fresh snow. Misaki thinks he won't be able to have time to enjoy such things once he's working full-time. Usagi reassures him that the can return here if they want to. Misaki attacks him with snow, the snow twinkles mid-air.
U: "They look like stars (the snowflakes, Misaki, Misaki's eyes)"
Misaki's thoughts: 'Under the moonlight and street lamps' faint light, the snowflakes really appeared to be twinkling. Usagi-san also, like the stars in the sky, was shining. '

Sexy time:
They feel pretty sensitive, due to their bodies being cold from the snow.
M's thoughts: 'Is it because of the atmosphere or the coldness, but Usagi-san's XXX appears to be bigger than normally...' (I'm not kidding lol)
U: "Misaki, you're clenching on me (on my XXX) more than as usual."
M: "No way!"
They touch a bit more (I guess, it's been censored) and Usagi decides to take it back to the bed.
M: "Eh, I'm fine. It's enough as it is."
U: "So, what are you going to do about that? (points at Misaki's XXX)
M: "I'll do something about it myself"
U: "I won't let you. I still didn't get enough of you, Misaki. It's the same for you, right?"

Misaki hides under a towel because he's embarrassed and won't let Usagi kiss him.
U: "I understand. Then I'm also embarrassed." (proceeds to hid under the towel with him)
Misaki thinks about how much he wants to be with him and how much he wants Usagi to be happy.

Next day. Misaki sees some people getting off the train while he's dining.
He gets surprised by Kaoruko and Mizuki.
K: "You make as think that you're going to Kyuushuu, you've got the nerve to trick me!"
They also got the intel from the ninja. lol
U: "Misaki, let's return to our room."

Misaki's ending thoughts: 'After asking Mizuki about the price of the tickets, I felt like fainting.'

    jsentiment January 19, 2020 6:02 am

    please post junjou sentiment chapter spoilers btw thank you for the spoilers you've just posted and for your hard work!