Ok but I hate Hyesol. And I can’t stand poly relationships. Like if you like it you do y...

babyv02 January 15, 2020 9:01 pm

Ok but I hate Hyesol. And I can’t stand poly relationships. Like if you like it you do you but it’s not my style so I don’t read them

    Trash Behind WallyWorld January 19, 2020 3:01 am

    I'm not saying you can't dislike it or should like it and I'm not judging you I just want to know why you don't like poly relationships???

    babyv02 January 19, 2020 5:30 am

    It’s just my preference. I am not able to romantically love more than one person. I will give my entire heart to that person and I expect the same. I also don’t like sharing so I wouldn’t be able to. If there’s someone in a poly relationship and that works for them, then that’s fine i just couldnt

    Trash Behind WallyWorld January 19, 2020 12:28 pm

    Okay just wanted to know I dont like mistaking things or just not liking someone with out knowing their side of it.

    I have I another question

    is it that you don't you want be in a polyamorous relationship but you wouldn't dislike someone because they are in one or don't mind being in one I know now that you don't understand being able to love one than one person because you devote yourself to the person you love but you know someone can love more than one person because there is a term for it and it happens to other people. Or are you the type of person that is I don't like it so nobody should and it's bad when it shows up in day to day life or things I am doing???

    Trash Behind WallyWorld January 19, 2020 12:37 pm

    I'm sorry if it's worded badly, I'm bout to pass out from sleep exhaustion, a slightly full stomach, and a warm bed. When I not trying to be rude I usually try my best to use my best grammar, but it seems that I made many mistakes and my last awake brain cell wants to turn in. Again, I'm really trying not to be rude. Clearing up something I don't understand will help later in for me, so I don't seem like more of a big buffoon. When I think I know something I think I'm right, which is bad because I'm stubborn.

    babyv02 January 19, 2020 6:33 pm

    We good I understand what you’re saying. I won’t ever be in a polyamorous relationship but if I see others or have friends that are in poly relationships I’m not gonna tell them they’re wrong cause it’s their life. I don’t care if others are poly, but I’m not gonna be

    Trash Behind WallyWorld January 19, 2020 8:46 pm

    Okay thanks

    FUJOSHILIFEFOREVER March 25, 2020 1:57 am

    Tbh I don’t really understand poly realtionship like how can you love two people to me it’s like I can like someone but love only one person

    Trash Behind WallyWorld March 25, 2020 2:35 am

    Well that's the thing you dont understand it so it will be hard to understand people that can. For me atleast I know the I will not stop falling in love with people, and if I have consent from both parties it will allow me to pursue the other person. Though so far the two relationships I have been in are polyamorous all three of us went out equally, though we broke up with the other person because they're a bit tooooo rambunctious.

    Another reason that I'm okay with it is that it isn't cheating. Cheating is going behind someone's back and not telling them.

    A polyamorous relationship not all 3 4 5 you will be dating as one but you can be dating someone else with your current partner but they won't be dating the person that person too.

    Another thing is that me personally, as a person I won't be providing sex so if my partner would like to get someone else to fall in love with and have sex with I wouldn't mind it as long as it's consensual I'm okay with a lot of things as long as there's consent.

    Even though I won't stop falling in love it doesnt mean I'll love them any less it's not like a fraction which the more you have the less there is to go around. No, I will love them equally for all of thier unique personalities and hardships. It's all 100%. And as long as the don't change in away that is unsavory I will believe they love me back.

    Fuck I talk to much ( ̄へ ̄)

    FUJOSHILIFEFOREVER March 25, 2020 3:33 am

    Thank you, I you explained it very well for me now I understand. (▰˘◡˘▰)

    Trash Behind WallyWorld March 25, 2020 10:06 am

    Buuut~~~~ reememberrr~~~~ *an echoey voice from the heavens calls* everything caaan~~~ mean different thhiiingsss~ for diiiifferent~~~ peoplllle~ thiiis~~~ is hoow~~~ it is foooooor~ meeeeee~~~~~~