I hope Junwoo can see thats Wooyeon not like the perfect image that he has in mind. Wooyeon had flaws too, and thats why he is hard to approach. He just too afraid to let others see his imperfection, he is scared to say whats on his mind. He had a difficult time too. Please be nice to him y'all. Stop saying he just playing with Junwoo or make him his sextoy.
He wouldnt save Junwoo pic as bg if he really just playing. He wouldnt come back or take Junwoo to his parents grave after Junwoo talking shit to him. He likes Junwoo, I bet on that.
Can we really be sure that he really loves him romantically though? To me it just seems like he's overly dependent on Junwoo... Yearning for closeness and an intimate relationship and feeling like he can't live without it—then resolving things with sex because he doesn't want to/know how to have serious talks about their relationship and what they really are to each other. Wooyeon is trying to control Junwoo with sex so he would stay with him, whether he realises it or not. Why did he take Junwoo to his parents' grave? Because Junwoo asked him to. Why did he come back even after Junwoo shit talks on him? Because he feels like he can't live without him and is dependent on him.
And Junwoo clearly doesn't enjoy their sex all that much according to his dialogue, but let's Wooyeon do it anyway so he wouldn't be upset or sad(maybe scared that he'll leave because let's be real guys, Junwoo is overly dependent on Wooyeon too). That's not a healthy relationship.
Junwoo doesnt have to like Wooyeon just because they have sex or are kind of lovey-dovey. If he doesn't feel a connection, he doesn't have to like him or date him. Their relationship is still unstable and shitty, they keep fighting and not resolving things properly. Wooyeon is too dependent and controlling to be in a serious relationship. So until he fixes his mindset, I don't think it's safe or healthy for neither him nor Junwoo if they are together.
Well Im not sure but I bet on that
Im not the author how can I be sure to answer this?? ㅋㅋ jk
Also, I dont think Junwoo completely not enjoy the sex. I mean he hates how Wooyeon always using sex to avoid serious convo but Im pretty sure he likes the sex
You're right.They need to talk and I would like to see how Wooyeon will get better with his issues. He need to be more brave to confront his feelings. Actually when I read this I kinda tho it will be a nightmare left two people with mental problem together. As far as I read, Junwoo slowly getting better but Wooyeon stuck on his own problem. Im still curious why Hanbin let him stay with Junwoo.
Btw, english not my mother language too. So, sorry if its kinda weird or hard to understand ╥﹏╥
Oh okay. You're living together, being lovey dovey all the time, have wonderful sex anytime and still wonder why you must like him?
Okay. :)