
Ffsake January 14, 2020 2:54 pm

It’s an unpopular opinion but I actually really enjoyed this. The story is complicated from start to finish. I find it interesting that so many readers dislike that there was no closure or happy ending for the older character— but how could there be? He used the younger character as a stand in for his lost first love, manipulating and controlling him along the way. These instances aren’t subtle either. He put a tracker on his phone, he only made plans to take him on a trip so he wouldn’t go on holiday with friends- all because he feared the younger characters independence. Even after their relationship was well established when the older character was shown family photos he found himself thinking and his eyes drawn to the younger characters father. Feelings and emotions are complicated and the older character is flawed and has baggage but never in their shared time together did he try to remedy his mixed feelings—only assert more control.

I believe the author did a good job of presenting a flawed character that’s trying to love within their own ability.

I think the course the relationship took was healthier for both parties. I’m glad the author didn’t go the suicide route, it would have felt cheapened and it gives hope that the older character could work through his self pity and shame.

    Blub January 16, 2020 11:00 pm

    Feel the same way, though this hits hard. Like it is so realistic and after just reading a super light hearted shounenai manga and then binge reading this, I was like ooeeff damn.... This makes me feel sad, the toxic relationship, the manipulation, the use of power and age... Was not prepared to get into this much emotion and realisticness of a toxic relationship. Very well portrayed by the artist for sure! Very impressive! And espically that epilogue at the end, through time to a certain extent you get over a toxic relationship, but not completely it never completely goes away.