Besides, the toxic relationship...

Kemi’sPOV January 14, 2020 11:22 pm

Besides their toxic ass relationship(and the sad lust-focused rape), the art and concept was..ok? I really dont like chunta xd
He hot tho

P.S.: Unpopular(ish) opinion: Chunta is an underdeveloped, selfish character
[-C H A N G E MY M I N D-]

    Kemi’sPOV January 14, 2020 11:07 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! 『QueenYaoi』✦

    Ey girl you lyin’ if you really out here denying the attractiveness that the character has
    I’m not condoning any of his wrong doings, or glossing over it jUsT cus he’s hot
    I don’t see the problem (no, fr I don’t get y ur so angri ;-; )
    Tho thx I am ur fellow thot òwó

    Sugakookie January 14, 2020 11:30 pm

    I torally agree with you.
    Specially the unpopular opinion.

    Kemi’sPOV January 14, 2020 11:45 pm
    I torally agree with you. Specially the unpopular opinion. Sugakookie

    Omg I’ve seen you in so many comment sections so it’s like A legit honor to have you respond to me! (´°ω°`)

    Sugakookie January 14, 2020 11:55 pm
    Omg I’ve seen you in so many comment sections so it’s like A legit honor to have you respond to me! (´°ω°`) Kemi’sPOV

    Oh c'mmon I'm flattered now (≧∀≦)
    Anyways, seeing logical opinions/criticisms on the yaoi section is always a breath of fresh air to me so I just had to ^-^