Novel Version

Pyonhyeii January 13, 2020 4:29 pm

For those interested in the novel version, the novel is a more angst and in-depth version of the manga; and from what I’ve seen, you’re probably better off just waiting for the manga to update if you’re looking for how the plot is going.

(Spoilers for the novel much further down)

The novel talks more about what each character thinks of each other and Chapters 1-25 from the novel are simply expanded versions of chapter 1-3 from the manga; especially since none of the translations I’ve found for the novel goes up to the part where they study.

The maid that we see has a really personal relationship with Violette. The maids eyes are red which she hated cause it was a sign that her mother was unfaithful to her husband and she was ultimately abandoned. Violette picked the young maid up from her homelessness and the maid initially thought Vio was a boy and that her family was picture perfect.

Violette’s mum actually forced her to dress as a boy when she was younger because of how much she loved her husband and how much violette looked like him, causing a dysfunctional family relationship. It was then that the maid became sort of like a protector to Vio, changing Vio’s meal so that it’d be different with the other family members because of Violettes personal tastes and appetite.

I’ve skipped a bit over Claudia and Yulan’s relationship explanations so I can’t say a lot for it.

In the novel, Claudia actually exposed his thoughts of the past Violette by explaining that the supposed love violette showed was a mixture of emotions like deceit, lies, etc all wrapped up in supposed love. This really disturbed Claudias cause all the other girls approached Claudia for his looks and status, but Violette approaches for her own personal gains and she ended up looking like some sort of strange monster to Claudia. (chapter 24 I think)

The way Claudias falls in love with Vio is actually due to her smile, after their interaction in which Claudias apologised for his actions, Yulan comes up to Vio and they decide to hang out in which Vio smiles really happily. This is a surprise for Claudias since he’s never seen Vio smile and always assumed she was some sort of stoic plain noble lady.

Yulan notices and after Vio leaves to go to a carriage, They sort of have a talk and Yulan looks at Claudias with the look of ‘this is what you deserve.’
(Also Yulan has a big damn advantage over Claudias cause he’s been working for years to see Vios carefree smile and the reason he doesn’t make a move is cause he doesn’t want to ruin their relationship. (Scene happens near the end of chapter 25)

Novel Maryjun is way more ignorant in my opinion, she kept on approaching Vio inside the residence and Vio was unable to refuse because she was sort of scared by what she would say to her father; Maryjun is NOT evil, just extremely ignorant of what her actions do to Vio although that doesn’t mean I like her.

She kept on pestering Vio for breakfast once (chap.26ish) and that was when she discovers Vio has a different meal plan than all the other family members, it sort of makes the maid see Maryjun as a sort of threat because she was disturbing Vio (to the point where Violette felt physically tired interacting with the girl due to her bubbly personality) and for also being able to notice Vios meal plan was different, which not even the father noticed.

Conclusion? Vio better be accepting Yulan’s advances cause best boy has been trying for years now (。 ︿ 。)
