looololol January 12, 2020 4:42 am

so joseph wakes up (still drunk) and glen is still kind of holding him in bed. he rambles on about how its getting hard to push glen away and that he doesn't understand him. glen becomes happy because joseph is caring about him and he kisses him. fast forward to the morning and joseph wakes up alone with glen having gone to class. when he notices it raining he wonders if glen brought his umbrella and ends up going out to give him the umbrella. after they meet glen references last night and joseph suddenly remembers the drunken kiss and blushes. then they kiss.

joseph continues to ditch school. he feels bad about just mooching off in joseph's house so he decides to clean up/do some chores. as he's cleaning underneath his bed he notices a box. curious, he takes it out and opens it, only to see rat poison and knife. he remembers the delivery he got from the stalker and is in shock. when glen comes back he acts coldly to him, and glen notices that the box is sticking out slightly from under the bed. at night, joseph can't sleep because of all the thoughts in his head so he tries to go out and get some air, but glen stops him. they dance around whether it is joseph or glen who have something they're hiding, before glen forcibly kisses joseph. joseph bites him and then escapes.

later, joseph comes back to look for the box but he can't find it under the bed anymore. he goes to the garbage disposal outside the apartment to see if its there but then he meets the professor.

there's a flashback that explains the professor's behavior. basically, he recently divorced with his wife because she thought he was emotionless and didn't love her. he has a particularly bad day with his collegue annoying him, and the students in his class don't pay attention to his lecture. but at the very end joseph comes up to him and asks questions, leading him to realize he has at least one student who cares. he takes more notice of joseph and joseph begins to frequently speak with him after lectures. then glen comes up and implants the idea that joseph has a crush on the professor in his head.

the professor reaches out to joseph to confirm this, and joseph inadvertently does. he becomes obsessed with joseph, giving him gifts and calling him. however, once glen and joseph start interacting, the professor gets jealous that another man is taking up joseph's time. he makes the connection that this glen is the same glen that told him joseph liked him, and he wonders what glen is up to. then, that one day where joseph got that vile package, the professor catches glen being disguised as the delivery man.

back to present day -- the professor gets angry when he thinks about how glen ruined everything for him. he gets his gun and catches joseph outside of glen's apartment. he rambles about why joseph would act like this if he liked the professor. he threatens joseph by point the gun at his own head, but once glen shows up, he puts the gun agains't joseph. he yells about how it's all glen's fault, and exposes how glen was the one who told him joseph liked him, and how he was the delivery man.

then the police show up and take the professor down. glen tries to explain himself to joseph but he doesn't listen and says it would be better for them to part ways now.

he goes back to his aunt's house and apologizes for his sudden disappearance. his aunt forgives him and asks why he came back, and joseph plays it off as a sort of fight. then his aunt talks about how joseph would always endure and hide his emotions every since he was young. she tells him its okay to express himself and joseph thanks her.

he goes out to buy groceries. on the way he receives a bunch of texts from glen and decides to ignore him, but when he returns home he sees glen on his front porch. he says they need to talk and joseph says they should talk later, but glen says "later when? you'll just keep ignoring me". still, joseph is adamant they talk later and slams the door shut behind him.

there's a flashback to glen's past where he says he grew up under a strict father who controlled everything about his life. he hated it, and as he grew older he became more and more rebellious and did whatever he wanted. he thought he could live this out of control life forever, but one day his father stops him and tells him to act so there are no bad gossip about him. he adds on "don't make this house a ruin just because of you". glen is fed up with him and argues back, refusing to do so. he kicks glen out of his house and glen ends up drinking on a park bench. joseph shows up and offers him words of comfort and advice. he tells glen what he wants to hear and falls in love with him.

he tries to find joseph again after that but fails. just as hes about to give up, he see's joseph in the halls of their university. he tries to great him, but joseph doesn't recognize him and walks past him. he makes a plan to get closer to him slowly. he reveals that he purposely made joseph spill coffee on him, and manipulated the situation to get rid of the unnecessary men in joseph's life (the professor and his friend). he wanted joseph to only need him.

glen knows that he's using the wrong methods, but he can't help himself. with the package delivered and joseph asking to sleep over at his house, things are slowly going according to plan.

everything goes well until joseph discovers that box. then joseph starts to distance himself from glen again, and glen doesn't want that to happen.

back to the present. joseph has conflicting feelings in his heart. clearly glen has done bad things but there are still parts of glen he likes. glen has stopped contacting him, so joseph makes up his mind to talk to him properly.

he goes over to glen's house, and glen welcomes him warmly. he tells joseph that he wants to clear up a misunderstanding. joseph understandably doesn't trust him anymore and doesnt want to listen, but glen starts talking about he wanted joseph to be by his side from the first time he met him and that despite the wrongs he has done, he really likes joseph and needs him. again, joseph reacts negatively. faced with rejection, glen jumps off his balcony.

joseph visits glen, who is in a coma, at the hospital. he knows the incident shouldn't upset him this much and that he should leave, but somehow his heart is really heavy. he starts to think it is his fault and that they would have been better off not meeting.

glen wakes up shortly thereafter, but he doesn't remember joseph. when the nurse talks about a black haired vistor who said he would be visiting for the last time, however, his memory comes back. he reads the letter joseph left behind, and it says that joseph will never meet with him again.

there's a long monologue of regrets where glen wishes he could turn back time. he says "if this is a dream, a nightmare like dream without you, hurry and wake me up". then it shows an ambiguous scene with glen looking back at the door of his hospital room and the nurse is saying "oh my, it's been a while since you've come. the patient woke up last night". so did joseph come back? who knows?

(okay but the epilogue/extra kind of ruins the beautiful vagueness of the ending bc it pretty much confirms that joseph woke up but whatever)

    Pocket January 19, 2020 1:04 am
    slaws nicole January 19, 2020 2:57 am

    WHEN I READ THIS I WAS SAD, where the hells Vincent?! Come get ya boy

    Rice January 19, 2020 8:18 am

    Thank you so much! This is so well written and makes a lot more things clear for me (●'◡'●)ノ

    Hollow January 19, 2020 1:12 pm
    Ich liebe sie.https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=h6oS2-V0OUk Pocket

    Where did u read the whole thing can i knoww?

    Vanfed January 19, 2020 1:23 pm

    Thank you!!..i was looking for some explanation of the raw!! So no more vincent huh..sucks that he was included and i was rooting for him :(

    Zaziell January 20, 2020 12:01 pm

    You are awesome!!

    Mochi January 21, 2020 5:10 am

    Well dang. So much for a happy ending. At least Joseph will be safe now...

    KNS January 22, 2020 9:01 am
    WHEN I READ THIS I WAS SAD, where the hells Vincent?! Come get ya boy slaws nicole

    Yeah like what the hell.