I only read up to the midst of chapter two so..

T-Chan lol January 12, 2020 12:13 am

I rather have the glasses guy with our mc. I kinda feel weird about the age gap and also about the “replacement stuff”. I also think the president (glasses guy) likes the mc and he seems really nice. Also I think the older guy would be good at giving them guidance. I’d just rather see glasses guy/president x Mc and the old dude should have a platonic relationship with the Mc/them

    Velvet69 January 12, 2020 1:41 am

    I can't say that I feel totally comfortable with the older guy x mc match (because of what you mentioned), but the president dude is creepy af.. he kept talking about how he'd like to meet the older guy and see how he is doing (lying much?) + the phone-call he answered instead of the mc at the coming of age that was cut off. At this point unless he is an overprotective friend (slim chance), he is clearly in love with the mc, the mc told him he likes guys yet he still didn't tell him he likes him and keeps the whole friendship facade.. Age gap aside, I'd like to think that the whole past thing is successfully overcome and after the sudden rejection through phone(?) at their rendezvous he decided to move forward and try once again which the president is going to try and ruin

    T-Chan lol January 12, 2020 6:55 am
    I can't say that I feel totally comfortable with the older guy x mc match (because of what you mentioned), but the president dude is creepy af.. he kept talking about how he'd like to meet the older guy and see... Velvet69

    Yeah I get what you mean but those are just assumptions about the president. None of that was confirmed so I’d like to believe he’s a good guy. And honestly I think it’s even harder to confess when your friend’s already in love. And to the phone call, I do think it was the older guy who called but I don’t think it was positive news he delivered. I just think we didn’t get much of the president to actually assume bad things about him but I guess it’s just a matter of perspective.

    T-Chan lol January 12, 2020 6:57 am
    Yeah I get what you mean but those are just assumptions about the president. None of that was confirmed so I’d like to believe he’s a good guy. And honestly I think it’s even harder to confess when your f... T-Chan lol

    *I just think we didn’t get ENOUGH of the...