
Ajlovesyaoi122 January 11, 2020 12:11 am

I get why some of y'all aren't a fan of the uke but at the same time I feel like this was unavoidable with his and his boyfriend relationship. The fact that his boyfriend couldn't really meet his needs kink wise would bring up problems. For those of us in the BDSM community, fulfilling are kinky needs is how we survive. And I don't mean that in a degrading way either. Sometimes after a rough day, some people need to be insulted and abuse, because it helps. Yes his boyfriend was trying but not in the way the uke needed. In my personal opinion they should've broken up as soon as the uke realized that his boyfriend couldn't fulfill his needs. But that does not mean I condone cheating, that just some bullshit.

    trix January 19, 2020 3:41 am

    But then again he likes to mooch of his boyfriend more than having unfulfilling sex...

    Moonmoon January 19, 2020 1:45 pm

    I kind of agree..the boyfriend deserves someone else..and the bottom(forgot his name sorry) knowing better shouldn't be hurting his bf and gone to the new blonde dude..this is hurting both of them