I agree with you! While Luka is interesting, he does seem kind of shady. I'd be glad if these proved to be just baseless suspicions, but there's nothing to back up Luka's story. He did come into the story at quite a convenient time.
I'm not sure, but Luka is just the outsider, to be able take Ritsuko from his family, may have to wait until he reaches his legal age.
In Ch.4 Ritsuko can keep declining Luka's invitations that means Luka never use any power on him. Relieved! (>_<)
I think they are just the same special kind of people and appeal to each other.
So even Ritsuko felt revulsion towards sex before, he still became like that on their first time. heehee~
The truth about the designer will be revealed in Ch.5, too bad I can't read Chinese. HA+
Don't be so fast to judge! There's still one more chapter I'm sure they'll talk about what happened to the designer. Maybe things are t as negative as you say!
How is Luka not better? His uncle raped Ritsuko while he did not.
I'm sorry but I don't think that Luka is all that better than the perverted uncle . He is the lesser of two evils the reason I say this is we don't even know if what he told Ritsuko about his mother was the truth but most likely is the truth . If he really wanted Ritsuko then he should have come to Japan to claim him as soon as possible if they where so worried about him . Instead of having a affair with some designer not only that he used his powers on Ritsuko .I would have liked to see Ritsuko with someone we know loves him for himself not because of his power . I don't se that in Luka he's to shady that's just my opinion poor Ritsuko deserves better . just because the seme is hot doesn't make him a good person.