I'm not against getting critics (since I'm the leader of the group and yes the quality checker) am against people saying that a work isn't clear because the translation is off, no dear you're mistaken , there's authors who's style is very complicated and has depth, not all authors are banal and Mitsuki is one of them.
So unless you've got proof of the mistake don't diss other people work, that's all.
Thank you for pointing out what you thought was a mistake , but when you said the mistake"s" made it hard to understand I was waiting for a long list, and I repeat I'm not offended I just don't want vague sentences, everybody makes mistakes indeed but they need to see the actual mistake you can't tell them, you're wrong and that's it.
Thank you for your time.
I don’t think it’s a matter of translation. Some languages read like this - japanese and chinese being two prime examples. They tend to be more poetic. Translators did a really good job - they probably opted to do word for word rather than thought for thought (both are equally valid; I study classics and translations are a topic in that world). Tbh I’d advice any reader that wants to give this manga a shot to read it slower. I know many of us are horny dogs ready to devour erotica in gulps but certain authors are just not like that.
Duh, people can't understand what you're saying and assuming.
I wasn't talking about you when talking about depth, I said the irritating thing is when you don't get mistakes pointed but instead you get a "oh this work wasn't clear, the translation is off" why were you offended? I was talking in general.
You're right, you're free to think what you want, you didn't understand it, there's people who understood it, it's not my place to tell you things, I just don't want any hard work (be it ours or other group's) to be dissed without knowledge , and when I asked for the mistakes to be pointed out it wasn't me criticizing your comment (even thought it was a bit ....) I just wanted to see those mistakes since it was released by us .
I don't reply usually here, I got directed by a member to this section and felt the need to see what mistakes prevented you from understanding.
That's it, I made my point clear.
Have a good day.
The story premise is great and the art is quite good, but the timelines are a little off and the translations are a little hard to understand.
If that doesn't put you off, it's a good read