I've been reading up to now and I think I've lost interest. It rubs me the wrong way that ...

magic January 9, 2020 8:37 pm

I've been reading up to now and I think I've lost interest. It rubs me the wrong way that all these people are only interested in her because of these talents and skills she's borrowing. If she didn't have these magical skills, none of the other characters would even look twice at her. The blonde prince especially seems like he'd despise her for being clumsy and incompetent, which was how she was originally. Like, the prince is only interested in her because he thinks she's some kind of godlike maid/sculptor/pianist/chef, not because of her personality or any actual traits that belong to her. The black haired guy is also only interested because he thinks she has medical training. The only one who might have a genuine interest in her is the white haired knight.

It also bothers me that she just magically has all these skills that other people spent years learning and practicing and perfecting through dedication and hard work. I feel bad for the sculptor and composer who admire her work and feel inadequate in comparison to her skill when she doesn't even have any passion for their craft.

    Oyaaaa! January 9, 2020 8:42 pm

    I wish I could like this twice!

    Starsandmetaphors January 9, 2020 9:04 pm

    I agree! I really like the other story from this author, but this one just doesn't do it for me. It would have been a nice plot twist if the people, who's abilities that she borrows, are like her past selves or something; like she's a reincarnation from all of them. At least then we can say that those are her true abilities. But instead she's just getting everything handed to her; there's no real hard work, there's no excitement from seeing her try her best and everything relies on conveniences, like she conveniently gets a dream and conveniently it's a dream that matches her current circumstances and conveniently manages to save the day with that dream.

    magic January 9, 2020 9:20 pm
    I agree! I really like the other story from this author, but this one just doesn't do it for me. It would have been a nice plot twist if the people, who's abilities that she borrows, are like her past selves or... Starsandmetaphors

    Oh yeah, that was another thing that bothered me, everything is too easy and she just happens to learn the perfect skill to save the day every time. The magic trick with the young price also bothered me a lot. Like, she couldn't even make friends with a child without help? That would have been a good opportunity to have her actual personality like her kindness or patience or something shine.

    Secret January 9, 2020 9:39 pm

    LOL Yeah she's a bit bland without her ability to 'download' special abilities. If this was the sims I would type in, "stats.set_skill_level major_" xD. Also wish I could thumbs up your comment more!

    NovemberHalloween January 9, 2020 10:32 pm

    Ye you have a point. I just hope she has this one good thing that she herself could work on.

    Forgetting Titles January 9, 2020 10:57 pm

    I was loving this, but now you made such a good point I don't know how to feel

    Shiki January 10, 2020 11:37 am

    how u can u say something so controversial yet so true? LMAO

    Rinsama_ January 10, 2020 12:57 pm

    The thing that bothered me is how she can perfect anything instantly.. I wish it's concentrated on one or two things, or she becomes very talented but needs to learn from the basic or sth