Please be redeemed

Celebration January 9, 2020 3:13 pm

I hope the mangaka gives us a satisfying redeeming of the Lord. And some hardcore groveling if he is the ML. Or the Painter just ends up with someone better. F. The Teach though

    Mece January 9, 2020 4:52 pm

    I don't want redemption. I think this should stay a tragedy. I think he should either loose control of Nakum or loose his wealth or position in society.

    Celebration January 10, 2020 12:51 am

    I don't like Tragedies. So pass. Now, I am not saying he has to be the ML. But I still prefer him to the Teacher. And without knowing his story I reserve judgement. For that time period, there is a lot that can go on that can make people crazy. Does it excuse his action? No, but can he repent and have redemption and live happily ever after. Yes he can. Depending how tragic his past was and how much he redeems himself. Real life isn't even that black and white. Even murderers can be forgiven imo. Depending on the reasoning and/or the redemption. I am just not that callous.