This is actually better than the other manga. In that other manga Iida was well rape-y and...

Alexushi94 January 9, 2020 12:33 am

This is actually better than the other manga. In that other manga Iida was well rape-y and tried to rape the mc uke of that manga many times. So at first I was a bit not invested with him as the mc. But the story was way better than what i expected. Yanagi adn Iida had better chemistry than the couple in the first manga but that does not mean they're bad though, i just like the couple here better.

I just.hope they made that ex gf suffer or something. Lol

    NemuNemu January 10, 2020 5:49 am

    You're right ... Also sorry for the thumbs down I accidentally pressed it lol

    Alexushi94 January 10, 2020 6:10 am
    You're right ... Also sorry for the thumbs down I accidentally pressed it lol NemuNemu

    It's okay lol (=・ω・=)