I agree with you that they need to get to know each other better. However I don't think it's that bad. I think rn she is just interested in him. Kind off like when you get a light crush or interest in someone and they kind off stuck to ur mind and u wanna see them again. It's not that you are madly in love with them, but more like wanting to know more about the person. At least that's what I got from it. But if they were to start dating rn, I would think they are going too fast as well.

i think he “fell in love with her” because she acts differently than other noble ladies and maybe she “fell in live with him” because he treated her gently
and in my opinion she is not suitable to be queen maybe a consort but not someone suitable for governing
but its funny why don’t the kings/princes marry princesses from other countries to form alliance why is it only noble women

Depending on the power of the country and their traditions they might not need to. If it’s powerful country they may be able to form alliance in other ways like trade. And traditionally it might be important to many to a noble family with in the county to prevent strong fractions from forming and the strengthen ties with the other ruling classes. Technically, I think, the MC is part of a family that over sees a part of the country, it’s just a poor part.

Some people are very intuitive and fall in love faster than what others would consider normal/reasonable pace. Second I think for now they are not madly in-love just feel connected and romantically attracted. Nothing to say on the political accuracy of the thing I try to not care about this kind of things as they tend to highlight the parts of society that trigger me.
I really liked the manga at first and still like it but there's one thing that is a bit meh for me. The girl doesn't know the king at all but she's reacting to him and thinking of him as if she really likes him but the thing is she didn't even have at least 5 proper conversations with him. I liked her character and the kings first impression was really good too (decided to wait out with getting a wife cuz he had a bit of a problem there)
My opinion is it would be much better if they made the development much slower and she actually got to know him or something