This long... but I had fun writing it.

breathless January 7, 2020 8:39 am

Okay, so theory time. I think ultimately this story is about three people, and how thier interactions with one another challenge thier personal beliefs about themselves and love.

Haesoo is passive.
Joowon is insecure.
Taekyung is frivolous.

Haesoo has very little self belief. We see this through his opinion about his own writing and what he believes to be a lack of talent. He stays away from meaningful relationships. He has perhaps even grown bitter of romance because of his relationship with Joowon. This relationship’s dynamic has remained in tact since the beginning. It’s antagonistic and there is always the assumption that he’ll go back to Joowon. That he is responsible for him and that they’ll engage in sex even when it’s not Haesoo’s call. (Like it or not the brothers connection is a power dynamic that it think is relevant)

Taekyung’s significance in this story means Haesoo can create a meaningful connection outside of Jowoon. It’s not a question if it’s better but It’s a different kind of relationship. And I think that’s what is important for Haesoo to experience. Hopefully he’ll learn to speak his truth and stand by it.

Joowon is insecure. It explains his aggressiveness, his territorial tendencies and his jealously. The insecurity stems from thier time as kids and making the decision that what they have is purely physical (even though he was lying). As an actor we see perhaps he has an emotional immaturity as seen through his talk with the female actress. I think this is also show by that very self satisfying knowledge that Haesoo will come back to him. When this is challenged, he acts out because he knows they could have been strengthening thier relationship but instead has relied on a thier history and his family connection. He needs to take responsibility for his actions and learn to be a better partner. That love requires a bit of humility.

Taekyung’s attitudes surrounding relationships are casual and flippant. He describes them as lollies, sweet and enjoyable when consumed but will dissolve. I think that rather than mysterious and secretive I see him
as unconcerned of the consequences. He likes sex but accepts a no, likes beautiful things, will move counties for work, will say if he likes someone, will do porn with his boyfriend if asked. As a photographer, (capturing the moment) he pursues the work he wants but is also able to conform to a brief. He has no qualms.
Haesoo’s introduction to his life I think challenges this behaviour. His interest is piqued and he feels compelled to stay. Feels attached. To find out what that means for him I think is atypical for him.

I don’t know how this will end but I hope that these challenges are what this work is about. For me anyway. Who ends up with who depends on which characters grow and learn from their past. I think that will be the most satisfying outcome.

    breathless January 7, 2020 9:12 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! mymymy2307

    For sure.
    To reply to you I think In a story characters are allowed to be horrible or lovely or morally dubious, and the issues one explores can be fun or complicated. The relationships in this story are super complex because there is a lot of moral ambiguity, that’s why I think everyone gets super passionate. And that’s what makes it more interesting. I have no idea how this will end. It’s unpredictable and I think most predictions feel like they could go either way for me. I just hope we get some real transformation.

    And thanks for replying.

    breathless January 7, 2020 9:23 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! mymymy2307

    Hahah lol yeah cool :)

    milu January 7, 2020 10:04 am

    Great comment. I agree with your opinion, Love or hate is so enjoyable to read because it has complex characters, and not just a generic love triangle. It's unpredictable

    simbasaunt January 7, 2020 11:57 am

    this comment is *chef’s kiss*
    thank you for this