Boring insane cult society. Great another humans are bad manga, this is as tiresome as thi...

MsEpic January 6, 2020 6:14 am

Boring insane cult society. Great another humans are bad manga, this is as tiresome as third and fourth wave feminisms war on all Men.

    zxcvvcxz1 January 6, 2020 7:51 pm

    Ok so this has nothing to do with feminism but to do with mob theory are you even reading this

    MsEpic January 7, 2020 3:29 am
    Ok so this has nothing to do with feminism but to do with mob theory are you even reading this zxcvvcxz1

    (shrug ) I thought I might like it

    Print March 16, 2020 2:08 am

    yikes bud, sounds like someone doesn't know what feminism is...
    Also ignoring the "feminism is war on all men statement" why are you so averse to the idea of a manga illustrating the "mob mentality" in a bad lighting? I mean I understand that it can seem like artificial padding if done in a shallow way, but this manga hasn't even really kicked off (so the development of this perspective hasn't really shown yet) so why so disapointed?