why tf are people sad about him dying both of them are terrible persons and the only solut...

kms January 5, 2020 9:42 pm

why tf are people sad about him dying both of them are terrible persons and the only solution for both of them is to die (

    kms January 6, 2020 9:10 am

    they hated jesus cause he told them the truth

    Mélimélo-chan January 7, 2020 6:57 pm

    Honestly I agree lol! They were both fucking horrible and had deep issues to begging with! Like Sungho litterally became obssessed with Dohyun and Dohyun was not only and asshole but had some kind of family trauma! I guess if they were both a bit older and had time to work things out before becoming psychos it would have worked between the 2 of them but no~
    I don't really think they should die tho! Both of them have to go to jail! for different things! Dohyun was scamming people and Sungho is just a fucking rapist psycho + some kinda gangster and must have done gangster shit lol

    kms January 8, 2020 2:00 pm
    Honestly I agree lol! They were both fucking horrible and had deep issues to begging with! Like Sungho litterally became obssessed with Dohyun and Dohyun was not only and asshole but had some kind of family tra... Mélimélo-chan

    yeah!! i agree lol i kinda overreacted but still its sad seeing how many people here actually think this is cute and a normal relationship