Because they trick you or just the concept itself? Chelia2501
I don’t like them bc they deceive others. I don’t have a problem with cross dressers or drag queens since they’re honest. + every trap character I’ve come across either drugged and raped someone or is super annoying. (Just my opinion)
I don’t like them bc they deceive others. I don’t have a problem with cross dressers or drag queens since they’re honest. + every trap character I’ve come across either drugged and raped someone or is s... T-Chan lol
I get where you’re coming from. But a trap doesn’t have to be a trap to trap people (if that makes sense). This one was really bad though.
I get where you’re coming from. But a trap doesn’t have to be a trap to trap people (if that makes sense). This one was really bad though. Chelia2501
i didnt know if she had a dick lmao, she did the V motion n i was confused. like?? trans woman transitioned and has a coochie now? guess she had a dick
i didnt know if she had a dick lmao, she did the V motion n i was confused. like?? trans woman transitioned and has a coochie now? guess she had a dick knife cat
I get where you’re coming from. But a trap doesn’t have to be a trap to trap people (if that makes sense). This one was really bad though. Chelia2501
No I totally get what you mean. If they just look androgynous or feminin and they don’t do it to trick others it’s fine. Like Saika from Yahari Ore no Seishun Rabukome wa Machigatteiru. (Maybe he’s not the best example)
Am I the only one who absolutely HATES traps??