Really? He's starved for affection and tries to have someone (anyone) close so he doesn't feel lonely and depressed. The ones he sleeps with call him a slut and derogate him. He's been told by the last person he wanted to date that no one would want to truly date him. There's one person (Baekyung) who stays by his side and is a friend to him. Why would he take the first step and tarnish that relationship when Baekyung has shown no indication that he wants to be more than a friend? In fact, Chanbit's first choice is always to stay with Baekyung. He looks for someone else to stay with him only when Baekyung refuses and walks out. Both of them are in a place where they can't make a reckless move forward without knowing what the other person is thinking. If it were as simple as just confessing with a flowery background, you wouldn't need an entire manga to show it?

You missed my point. I wasn't expecting flowery language mmkay? I was expecting the uke to be more considerate. Do you think it's natural for someone to be angry over the other party not even acknowledging that the two of them are friendly with each other then turning around and acting like he's a nuisance because he won't let him have something as simple as chicken? Or for them to brush the other party off and then turn around and act normally with them as if they're feelings don't matter one f*cking iota? Next time please read what I'm saying more carefully.

But even if Chanbit is so starved for love and thinks of Baekyung as his friend, wouldn't you normally listen so someone so close to you?
Being starved for love doesn't justify being an asshole. Because that's what Chanbit is.
If his condition was as you see it, Chanbit wouldn't have sex with his only friend that he doesn't want to lose, he would listen to him at least a bit, he would not be a selfish brat that gets nothing done without Baekyung. I'm so mad, Baekyung has to put up with all that shit, has to make sure Chanbit's slutty side doesn't get out more and doesn't get anything in return.
For reals, Chanbit deserved to get nearly choked to death. He doesn't seem to care one bit for his career, for Baekyung or even himself. He only cares about getting fucked. If he wants it so bad, why didn't he change careers? Maybe being a prostitute would suit him.
Ugh. It's very rare that I can't stand ukes in a relationship but this one just tees me off. He has NO regard for Baekyung whatsoever. He makes it sound like he's the one being wronged in their relationship but the one who's hurting the most is Baekyung. Baekyung is NOTHING like the guy who first hurt Chanbit. And Chanbit ACKNOWLEDGES that. So I thought Chanbit would be less of an ass. But NOPE.