Ohmyfudge! I thought of another theory? Would you like to care for a sec? ...

itsxoi January 1, 2020 9:17 am

Ohmyfudge! I thought of another theory? Would you like to care for a sec?

Now that chapter 23 is out, we now know that she heals ridiculously fast for someone who broke their foot.............or was it the ankle? And I think her eating those 'delice' chocolates may be related and could it be -
She's related to that star fragment they're talking about? That thing that the emperor asked Del to find? I'm just stuck with these ideas and now I dunno what to do.

    Passerby January 1, 2020 10:37 am

    regarding foot injury...i think it was hinted that male mc wanted to carry her all around so he made the doctor exaggerate the degree of injury to major level while it was a minor injury...& yeah i also think that star fragment is related to her

    LizzyV January 7, 2020 7:29 am

    I wonder if he was standing on her grave??? Like she was originally from that world, died then went to korea, died and then came back you know????