Just curious.

JiKookieLuv January 1, 2020 4:12 am

What is a (or even your top five) manga that had a 9+ star rating that you absolutely loathe!!! I generally have low standards and don't often get put out or disappointed so I was curious which manga/s did for others.

    Cloudy January 1, 2020 4:17 am


    ronniepony January 1, 2020 4:21 am

    Dropped it around the 20th chapter or smth idk

    reason why i dislike like this so much is because of how quick she rose up to the top.

    i remember there was this one guy in the story who earned his way to become a great doctor but MC came barging in with her previous life knowledge, going all smarts and all that, completely beating the guy with like no effort at all (recall her not really trying to hide her ability. at least, thats how i interpreted her actions).

    Kuroqui January 1, 2020 4:31 am

    I couldn't fully read King's Maker, Dear Door, A Guy Like You, Hold Me Tight, or Blood Bank. I dropped these from either the beginning or the middle, but I might give Blood Bank, Hold Me Tight, and Dear Door another try; however A Guy Like You is a big no-no and King's Maker isn't my cup of tea.

    SkeppyNoob14 January 1, 2020 4:34 am

    Every Zariya Ranmaru mangas.
    Every Harada mangas.
    Darkness Hound.
    Titan's bride.
    Hold me Tight.
    Here you are.

    Some I loathe, some I lost interest.

    Talia January 1, 2020 6:07 am

    Honto Yajuu