The author's works are just lovely, stories that aren't exactly happy or easy, but it give...

Anonymous December 31, 2019 1:50 pm

The author's works are just lovely, stories that aren't exactly happy or easy, but it gives realism due to this, no huge tragedy either. The story about the cafe owner, his acceptance of loneliness, and being an "outsider" in his community, who gossips about him and has to deal with sugar theft, those little details may not make for an exceptional character, but he was believable. Something about the art, drawing characters slumped, tired too. There are deaths in the author's work, but it's done as a fact of life, the one shot funeral scene was bittersweet. I love you black coffee, captures the environment well, the characters conversations and conflicts seem engaging and illustrate the business and lack of privacy well. One though which stands out due to being nothing but sad, is the story about the girl suffering from objectification and abuse, it ended without saying the conclusion, but I think the author did this with tact to not show us the inevitable suicide. Just as the ending to the manga with the fake wall, the ending was not shown, although it was clear that that last act of defiance against the boundary had an unfulfilling end.
