...and guess what?Who cares? That's your issues, keep it to yourself Zeffyra
oh ho hu ho babi oh sweet cheecks don`t go that far and imma sure u got problems but me aint here for a b**** like u to hear it im a girl so don`t take it the wrong way but u ain`t gonna insult me and let think im gonna let u off don`t mess with me >;[
oh ho hu ho babi oh sweet cheecks don`t go that far and imma sure u got problems but me aint here for a b**** like u to hear it im a girl so don`t take it the wrong way but u ain`t gonna insult me and let thin... aphy cu
calm down hun, u can't do anything to her lmao. but yes keep ur opinion to urself, its fine if u dont like eren uke but keep it to urself for those who likes it.
oh ho hu ho babi oh sweet cheecks don`t go that far and imma sure u got problems but me aint here for a b**** like u to hear it im a girl so don`t take it the wrong way but u ain`t gonna insult me and let thin... aphy cu
U guys need to chill, no need to fight over a comment
oh ho hu ho babi oh sweet cheecks don`t go that far and imma sure u got problems but me aint here for a b**** like u to hear it im a girl so don`t take it the wrong way but u ain`t gonna insult me and let thin... aphy cu
sometimes, i still wonder why did she mention about being a girl? like what's the connection here-??? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
oh ho hu ho babi oh sweet cheecks don`t go that far and imma sure u got problems but me aint here for a b**** like u to hear it im a girl so don`t take it the wrong way but u ain`t gonna insult me and let thin... aphy cu
i like uke levi better because when i see eren the uke i feel like to puke
but im trin to fix my prob by readin levi x eren
i found something worse than levi x eren
and that is erwin x livi dont no why but i just hate it
i cant fix two prob at once so when the first prob is fix
i`ll try to fix the orther one (⌒▽⌒)
found another ship i kinda hate jean x eren , mikasa as a boy x eren