Why did Minato go to that pond all alone ? I am still wondering . I do think that he didn'...

Mochi121 December 29, 2019 6:20 pm

Why did Minato go to that pond all alone ?
I am still wondering .
I do think that he didn't commit suicide when he already had a gf. But it still feels like he died juz to get Kaito and Nagisa together

    Aoi!~ December 29, 2019 6:26 pm

    Ikr, Im wondering the same... If he did it to get Kaito and Nagisa together, tbh, that's kind of messed up... Maybe it had something to do with "god" and believing or something..

    Eva Mark 06 December 29, 2019 11:28 pm

    I think he wanted to take a wish, for himself and kaoto and minato