Why are so many mangas with omegaverse like this...

Yuushana December 27, 2019 6:52 am

Ugh. I like omegaverse but why do so many mangas fuck it up like this. It's like they took everything wrong in the genre and decided to multiply it It's just so twisted, even more so because it happens in school like what the hell. I could understand if you made up a story like this in an unfamous neighbourhood where problems and prostitution is rampant, or amidst a dystopian setting, but it's a normal world and this horror happens in an educational environment ?

I'll stick with my abo fics from now on.

    Mikan-San December 27, 2019 7:11 am

    I think they kinda did it base on social status portraying the society we have but change and fix many things to make it fiction, making reader have feelings like entertainment, anger, resentment, and sympathetic towards these individual characters I guess..but sometime they’re doing it too over the line and I don’t like it too lol..other than the school scene I think his relationship with the alpha is ok