Licems December 25, 2019 2:28 am

I feel like I've gotten addicted to a bad drug... I KNOW I should stop and get help... And here I am again. This is the worst story ever. The characters do not have any consistency.. It started out on a whole other wavelength and then it didn't take a turn... It was like an alien abduction and everything and everyone was different. I don't get it. Only person I want to like is Si Xian and of course they have made him into a dick right now. The main guy ( who I frustratingly can't even think of his name now) seems like a fickle ass dramatic vengeful dumbass.. He latches onto anything and anyone to love. Grow a backbone and find some facts before u react to everything ur enemies tell you and you then build your life around, but don't believe the people who actually care...

OK vent over... But on the real.. Hope this ends soon. Drugs kill...

    Yaoi tastic December 25, 2019 5:48 am

    perfectly said.

    Kerri Death April 28, 2020 6:30 am

    Omg god bless you I read this a while back and I was hella triggered after reading the English then desperately hunting down the raws. YOU TOOOK MY PAST WORDS RIGHT OUT OF MY MOUTH !!!