Maybe bcz of ur internship u started getting frustrated and started thinking that u are not good enough. And when u seem to fall short in other things u think its all connected and then start feeling more worthless/useless as in the case with letting ur parents down etc . And as this frustration is building up u get angry at the smallest things or are annoyed with things that u usually arent with . I think u shouldn’t be too hard on urself. Try to give ur best in the internship. If the mentor doesnt like u, u shouldnt take it to heart .it happens in work environment, some people dont get along. Also try to keep it professional and if u could,hint or tell ur mentor to be professional as well. If anything gets too serious, do let ur superiors know, and with ur parents..just give urself some time. Try to not be overwhelmed by all the let downs. Try as much as u can.if u forget things,keep reminders and alarms. Let ur parents know its a little tough time and u will get better so they should be easy on u. And when u will be less hard on urself and will think positively then ur annoyance towards ur friends will also go away. Also, per day , give urself enough tasks or work that u can do so that u will feel good when u r done with ur work. And dont give urself too much work so that if it isnt completed u would end up feeling like u are not good enough etc. Hope u do well !! All the best!! I hope this helped.

I think it's a little irresponsible for people to say "it'll be fine" "there's nothing to worry about". Not everyone has the same living conditions. Not everyone has an easy relationship with their parents and/or coworkers/boss. I don't intend to sound critical but if someone isn't happy, telling them "it'll be fine" is the same as not saying anything as it can lead to distance. It is the same as saying "I'm too uncomfortable to hear your pain and don't want to talk about it, but here is a stereotypical phrase so I don't have to feel bad or worry" please think before you post.
Dear Anony-chan,
If you are reading this and think it is inappropriate or too aggressive please tell me, I will take it down. However, this is my honest opinion. Please check your mail.

Out of some responses I've seen (not just here), yours is one of the better ones. So no, I wouldn't take it down. I feel like replies like yours, rather, should be sent through private messaging. I do agree with your self-reflection (the "I will make it fine") statement and the comment about "don't worry".
I appreciate your taking time to read my comment and understand. Thank you.
I also want to say this:
1. You took the time to think on both your comment and my own.
2. You replied with seriousness and appreciation towards what was said.
This shows you truly care for what you say to others and that you honestly care for and are concerned. I believe this makes your opinion extremely well thought out and significant. Your words are appreciated. When I read your comment, with the exception of the "don't worry", I thought your opinion was extremely genuine and human. Your points were apparent throughout. So, there's no reason to doubt your assistance. ^-^
Though, that isn't for me to say.
Either way, I do apologize if my comment caused you any discomfort.

maybe you should take a stp back and think about your priorities and what you want to achieve in your life, studies and internship are good but you need to know why you're doing them, because this is what will keep you on track even when things get hard!
as for why you're out of it i guess its simply because things are'nt going nice in your internship, everything is related you know your life is not like a puzzle where all pieces are independent but on the contrary it's all interwined, so my advise is chill out, take a step back relax, do something else that makes totally forget about exams and all at least for a day then go back all fresh and ready! your family ill love you no matter what so are your friends if they're real friends :) good luck
So... I'm sorry for doing this here, but I don't know where else I can do this. Lately I feel like nothing I do is good enough. Not for me, not for anyone. I keep failing even when I thought I was doing fine. My intership is going to hell because my mentor doesn't like me, I feel like I dissapoint my parents on a daily basis with everything I do, I go to college but can't find the energy or will to do my tasks or study for my exams. I finally have school friends I can trust, but sometimes, I don't know why, they just annoy me so hard that I want to scream and throw things, even though they do nothing wrong. I just feel like I lost all direction in small period of time and I don't know how to fix it. Can anyone, just anyone, tell me wtf is wrong with me. I don't know what I need anymore