Because Japan is not as progressive in terms of gender and sexuality, majority of the people there lack knowledge about the lgbt community and transexuality ect that people in other countries can easily learn and access. Many people sadly have to live in the gender they were born in or pretend to be the sexuality theyre not, simply because of the pure societal pressure on them and how difficult it would make their life to face all the trouble, pain, judgment and criticism. people put themselves 2nd. Which is a devastating thing. However terrible and frustrating it is, that is sadly what happens a lot of the time. Yuji being "comfortable in their biological gender and accepting it" in the end was slightly lost in translation. usually we understand 'accept' to have positive connotations, but in this case, it had slightly more negative connotations. Moreso, the message being conveyed (in the original japanese) is that Yuji chose to accept the way they felt but saw no other way to solve it (sadly) and hence tried to build their own happiness up around it instead of being sad. to put it simply: neglecting their feelings of uncomfortable gender, should i say "Putting it on the back-burner". They 'gave up' on their mental gender. Its really, really sad, and the story portrays it as just that. I really bad with words i hope this made sense dfghjdxdcftvgybhunj
Thank you for saying everything i wanted to.
While I at first agreed with OP, they were also being rude and hypocritical with shineyy. And its a shame, because they were having such a polite discusion too, until something hit a bit too close to home, and OP snapped.
They probably went through some horrible experiences, but that still doesnt entitle them to think the other knows nothing about it because everyone has diferent experiences.
Also, again, id like to thank you for stressing out the fact that theyre from japan, which probably has a VERY different culture to wherever you guys are from.
your statement said that the poster was getting attacked immediatly by people for an 'unpopular opinion'. The lack of the adjective "some" infront of the word 'people' implies that you were talking about everyone. And by 'mix it up' i meant lumping everyone in together (by the lack of adjective) . I didnt mean you had mixed it up in your head. Naming people has nothing to do with it
Am I the only one who thinks this has a really shitty message about transitioning and being trans? The main character experiences dysphoria and the story treats it like she can never become a "real woman" and therefore shouldn't transition or make an effort towards it. A story like this makes it seem like it's easy for trans people to just ignore their feelings and live the life of their birth sex. It also annoys me about how the main character seems perfectly ok with never expressing who they are in a manner that confused me about what the author was trying to say. The plot about the girl who was infertile also had huge problems with it because she states that no one will ever want to marry her because she can't have kids and never does the story try to make it clear that she is wrong and her ending makes it seem like if you are infertile you just be happy that anyone will care about you and to take what you get. Masaki, or whatever the fuck his name is, is a shitty person through and through and the story constantly rewards him for it. The story pretends it's deep or whatever but there is no real substance beyond a shitty message about conformity. Feel free to disagree but I honestly can't see why everyone likes this pile of burning garbage