But that lady told her to leave and she know she will get persuaded by alejandro and then she feel like she cant leave and alejandro will find out who told her to leave and fire the lady(not that i rlly care) but ibelina thinks of herself as “the side character only” and in her head shes following the story she has already read and she want eleneora and alejandro to be together but its pretty obvious alejandro doesnt like aleneora

Yeah you're correct. It's just Ibee miscalculated something. If she would follow the original plot of the story, that blonde bitch already chose the Prince, so why does Ibee think that Ale would be best to be with that Blonde? Did Ibee think that the Blonde will choose Ale because the curse have lifted? If that's the case it's obvious that Blondie can't be trusted and Ibee thought that Ale would be happy for it? Sometimes I can't understand her at all. I don't hate Ibee, I just need to break some sense to her.

I know right? I mean I know she understands the fact that alejandro was hurt when he was small but, she sometimes doesnt reconsider alejandros feelings or try to see it in his POV. She always doesnt know or realize whats going on in his head and reconsiders things because she needs to realize a lot of events that happened didnt occur in the original story and she needs to realize that maybe thats why ale is hurt because all she has in mind is alejandro to be happy by following the plot but doesnt seem to see that IT ISNT THE CASE
Girl, we know you care for him truthfully but sometimes you forgot what's the reason why you're in that world... Is it that hard to talk to Ale before going? I won't be shock if Ale will have the curse again because of you.