
^^Shanae^^ December 21, 2019 11:34 am

Well, my dear friend Arlo... If ya yellow headed ass would’ve left him alone.... we wouldn’t be In this shit now would we hun?

    SolracXV December 21, 2019 1:34 pm

    There is so much cringe in both sides!! ugh -.-

    Izumi-sama December 21, 2019 2:33 pm

    John did try at the beginning to be alone and people wanted to fight him because he was "weak" Anyone would snap after everything he has been threw.

    SolracXV December 21, 2019 3:17 pm
    John did try at the beginning to be alone and people wanted to fight him because he was "weak" Anyone would snap after everything he has been threw. Izumi-sama

    At this point where we're not only seeing him being what he hates the most, but also coming with a somewhat manipulative dependence on Seraphina. Like he stopped seeing her as a friend AT ALL. "john snapping" is a huge understatement. It's getting cringier with every update.

    a i r January 4, 2020 12:19 pm

    Exactly. He knew he wasn’t fit for the system so he removed himself by denying his own abilities. If the system-obsessed Arlo didn’t try to drag him back, John wouldn’t be screwing with the everyone.