yeah...I really feel sorry for those people who are getting judge for being who they are, or afraid of judge mental people. It’s like really frustrating that bi, pan, gay or any lgbt people that keeps getting judge. Come on people, they are just trying to be themselves. It’s okay to be ourselves. I hate that many people can’t feel comfortable with they sexuality because of the tension that the surrounding created. I just hope that they can somewhat feel comfortable, and confident with themselves one day. Also, overcome those fear while those people who judge at the slightest can just fuck off beczuse it’s not them, that is being the gay one. Just because, they don’t accept it doesn’t mean, the third, or first party can’t.
Literally I am the opposite of the Mc! I am bi, and when people come, and ask me if I’m one, or not, I just Go like “ what?”, but if they give me that judging look, i just wave them goodbye.