SPOILERS!!! I had a hard time waiting and found some on a Korean site. You have been wa...

lolz December 20, 2019 4:14 am


I had a hard time waiting and found some on a Korean site. You have been warned.

So here's what happens in the previous timeline: When Shuri breaks down in front of Jeremy during the funeral, he thinks she hates them and will leave them behind so he keeps his distance and acts cold. The other siblings follow suit. But then years pass and it turns out he severely misjudged her in her grievance, he tries to make up for it. Both he and his siblings try to make up for it be being kinder but since their relationship with her is so strained, she doesn't realize it. Some time passes and Jeremy falls in love with her (keep in mind that they're only 2 years apart here so it's not that weird on his end since he never really thought of her has his mother in the first tineline) when he notices how much she's sacrificed for him and his siblings. However, things come crashing down when Shuri suggests marrying Ohara (as per his father's will) and he gets shocked, angry, and hurt because the girl he (secretly) loves is ok with hadning him off to a different woman. He's bitter and ends up treating her even more coldly and says some really cruel things to her (without giving away why he's really angry leaving Shuri all confused...this is also why Shuri was so shocked over Jeremy's kindness in the current timeline as she's just not used to him being nice to her whatsoever). Jeremy eventually agrees to marry Ohara ease Shuri's worries and because he's given up on pursuing her for the better since it will only lead to bad things from society's perspective. However, Ohara who is completely enamored by Jeremy (it was love at first sight for her which is kinda weird and annoying because he's not kind to her either) quickly catches on to his secret feelings for Shuri and feels that her position as his future is threatened (for absolutely no reason because Shuri onlt thinks of Jeremy as a son/little brother and Jeremy has no plans on pursuing her as he's agreed to marry Ohara). Ohara's father easily manipulates her because he wants control over the family's money and realizes that Shuri is in the way since she's too smart/strong to manipulate and will not yield to him and his threat. He tells Ohara to spread rumors about Shuri and Jeremy being in an incestual relationship to create a scandal and weaken the repuation of their household in the aristocracy and when Elias (the second son/Jeremy's red-haired brother) hears the rumor, he foes batshit crazy and is disgusted because he really does think of Shuri as a mother figure. This causes a strain in his relationship with the rest of the family and eventually leads to a huge fight with Jeremy who just can't understand why he believes a rumor over his own brother's word. This was what Jeremy feared most and was the main reason he never confessed his feelings to Shuri. To clear up the rumors, they hastily announce Jeremy and Ohara's wedding and Ohara and her father are on cloud nince since everything is going their way. And guess what? Shuri's ex-husband (the late Marquess)'s stupid siblings are in on it. They're greedy for money and got manipulated by Ohara's father. Jeremy wants Shuri to attend the wedding no matter what because he and his siblings decided to apologize for treating her so cruelly up until now (and for believing the stupid rumors) on the day of the wedding and want to call her "mother" properly (like they're doing in the present storyline). Ohara, who has no idea what's really going on, is jealous that Jeremy want Shuri to attend the wedding despite the bad rumors she spread about them starts suspecting that there might actually be something going on between them and that they are going to elope on the day of the wedding (isn't it ironic that she fell into her own trap?) decides to secretly meet up with Shuri and lies to her about Jeremy not watning her there. This causes Jeremy to push back the wedding date everytime he finds out that Shuri has rejected the invitation from Ohara (he doesn't go in person because he thinks he'll be rejected even strongly) and Ohara's father and the previous Marquess's stupid siblings get fed up with the waiting and set up a trap (the first chapter) and hire a bandit to kill her when she sneaks out to attend the wedding. Jeremy agreed to the wedding because he was lied to that Shuri had agreed to come and was waiting for her and refused to do the vows before she showed up finds out from the guards that Shuri was killed in a tragic accident when bandits decided to attack her carriage. He and his siblings are heart-broken because this is the third time they've lost a parent figure. However, he's also the first to recover and immediately notices Ohara's shocked and scared expression (she thought Shuri was just going to run away and never return...she never though her father would order her to be killed) and he immediately realizes what happened. He lashes out on her and her father and his uncles and aunts and gets them all arrested but since Ohara was mostly innocent when it came to the actual murder, she gets pardoned. Some time passes, and Ohara tries to regain some stature by trying to marry Nora but of course it never works out because Nora's family was close to Shuri (I still have no idea why Nora and Shuri never met...but it does sound suspicious given that they ran in the same social circles and she was close to his father) but eventually she weasels her way into Elias's heart and of course, Jeremy (as the Marquess) never okays their relationship until he's forced to when Elias knocks her up. Things remain sour between the whole family after Shuri's death.

I still haven't found anything on the weird guy that kept staring at her in the meeting. He comes off as an impotant character for the plot later on but...maybe he's a webtoon only character? Since these spoilers are from the novel.

As for the current timeline: Shuri ends up with Nora. That is the most important thing. They end up havinf 2 kids and the oldest is named Michael. Jeremy ends up liking her again but of course doesn't seriously pursue her. Their relationship is already better than it ever was in the first timeline. Elias ends up with Ohara again bit apparently she's a good person now that she's manipulated by her father (who also ends up getting caught and punished). Rachel also gets married but I couldn't find out to whom (just that she gets married the same day Shuri and Nora do). I couldn't find much on Leon but I assume he's happy too. Overall, it has a happy ending and the story continue even after all the wedding bells stop ringing and we get to see some of the kids. Ohara and Elias end up having a daughter but I think Jeremy is still alone lol (poor guy got stuck in the same tragic love twice).

    haruhi1763 December 20, 2019 5:01 am

    Sorry I don't mean to downvote you. Thaks for your spoiler

    Deathscythe December 22, 2019 8:30 am

    Why do I feel like it's better without the romance.

    JerryPotatoes December 23, 2019 2:31 am

    Dang... Like that's all I can think of to say. Just. Wow. Oof

    lolz March 24, 2020 8:59 pm
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    It goes by the same name: 어떤 계모님의 메르헨 (A Stepmother's Märchen)

    lolz March 24, 2020 9:04 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Light

    So I'm going to add more onto what I said. About the prince, specifically.

    This is pretty much a copy paste of my reply to a different post.


    This crazy prince is the real reason Nora and his father don't get along. He broke something valuable to Duke Nurenberg and blamed it on Nora and the stupid Duke believed him over his own son. He then goes on to proclaim his son as a liar and is "ashamed" of Nora and said he would have preferred a better heir which really hurts Nora's feelings even though he honeslty told him it was the stupid Prince who broke the antique. This is why when he asked Nora what happened in chapter 24, Nora hesitates before eventually deciding not to tell him. From his point, he doesn't see why his father would believe him since he never has before and the situation wasn't in his favor either. This is why Shuli realizing that something was wrong and accepting that Jeremy is not the type of person to do something like this and telling off the other family for demanding an apology when they were in the wrong is an even bigger sting for Nora. But it makes him like Shuli even more, he's impressed with her and doesn't feel wrong about confiding in her. This admiration quickly turns into love the more he meets with her.

    In chapter 21, the prince mocks Nora for "being as honest as ever". He knows that's true but Nora's parents don't. And it's all his fault. (Yes, that line isn't a joke. He's being a complete asshole.) Nora responds to this with "I was and will always be the same wherever I go." Meaning that while he is still his honest self, he will also never forgive the prince for what he's done to him and his reputation. And to hit the hammer on the head to drive the nail in? Nora immediately after tells the asshole prince, "Your Highness, YOU ARE ONLY AS KIND AS I AM OBEDIENT." In other words, Nora is calling him a lying piece of shit. He's calling out the prince's fake mask. Nora is notorious for not listening to his father and getting in trouble after the incident where his father started treating him like a burden on the family and his mother became depressed seeing her family falling apart. So just as Nora is "obedient" (meaning not at all), the prince is "kind" (again, not at all).

    So why would the prince do something like this to Nora? You see, this guy is a complete psycho. He's obsessed with the late Queen (aka his mom) and since his family life is so bad, he was jealous of his cousin (Nora) who seemed to be getting along well with his parents, especially his father. The current king favors his second son because he's aware how nuts this one is and the crown prince does not like that all obviously so ends up venting by purposely ruining Nora's life. Yeah, "homeboy" is a real piece of work. Notice how he immediately switches topics to Jeremy the moment Shuli and he enter the scene? He's trying to leave a ood impression on her because his obsession over the late Queen is being transferred to Shuli who looks just like her. This guy is so good at acting (manipulating), he fooled Jeremy for years as his "childhood firend" even though Jeremy is really good at looking through other people. Justice is served tho. At the end of the novel, he gets exposed and is exiled for his crimes while the second prince becomes the new crown prince.

    If you stop and think about it, the prince is to the Nurembergs what Ohara is to the Neuwansteins: a family wrecker.

    Duke Nurenberg is a shitty father, but the prince is a shitty person.

    lolz March 24, 2020 9:28 pm

    Incidentally, I'm going to rectify something.

    It wasn't a bandit that killed Shuli, that was a translation error on my part. It was a spy. Specifically, it is a knight who is secretly on the side of the enemy: the misogynistic priest/cardinal who obviously can't stand Shuli being in power. He was the one manipulating everything from the shadow and apparently has hatred for the previous Queen (the one that Shuli) looks like. I'm still doing some digging on him. Apparently he does appear in the novel, so I take back what I said about him probably being a webtoon-only character. If you want more on him, let me know and I'll do some more digging.

    As for the spy that is Shuli's murderer....he's been here the whole time. And now I can't stop staring at him whenever he shows up on screen. Can't believe he has the guts to walk around the mansion as a knight when he's actually out to kill the person who gives him his paycheck just because she's a woman. Dick.

    YaoiAnjie October 1, 2024 3:55 am
    Incidentally, I'm going to rectify something.SPOILER WARNINGIt wasn't a bandit that killed Shuli, that was a translation error on my part. It was a spy. Specifically, it is a knight who is secretly on the side ... @lolz

    I've been scrolling because I'm looking for novel spoilers and can you tell me who's the spy ?