Sigh... this is what happens when all you care about is your interpretation of things. If you look at it carefully, you can see that there is more to it than her just being a women. It's not just a sex thing.
Look at the story. They are noble men who has been loyal to the crown long before the prince became the ruler. In other words, they have seniority over her. But all of a sudden, she just became the prince's favorite and the prince now value her more than them. Given that event, of course they will see her as a threat.
In other words, it's not because she's a girl that they reject her. It's because she's going to steal power away from them that they reject her. Powers in which they think she don't deserve because she didn't put as much time and effort serving the crown as they did.
She being a girl is simply a convenient excuse for them to refute and defame her. Their real intention is to have her step out of politics so that they won't have a power struggle with her.
As for many men being pigs, statistically speaking, on average, there are around 80,000 men per year convicted of sexual assault against women in America. Given that the population of male in America is 151.8 million, that conjure up to less than 0.001% of the male population.
Meaning that unless you are very very very unlucky or very very very stupid, you won't meet a man that will treat you like a pig.
Yes i agree but using she is a woman as a convenient excuse doesn't make you any less sexist plus Paulinas plan help him win more easily right. They have to agree that she is talented but they won't because how can a woman be talented in anything other than having kids. And don't forget the part where her countries army generals chose to lose rather than listen to a woman making sense. And the moment men in this manga realise that paulina is a woman they try to rape her???? And the prince doesn't value her more they just can't digest the fact that a mere girl can get something done other then marrying assholes like them.
And when i said all men are pigs I was obviously exaggerating. i didn't mean all men but yes in my country and my surroundings most men are. here you have to be very very very lucky or very very very smart to find a good kind man.
I work in the hospital and everyday I see batterd wives and after treating them i send them back to their abusive husbands so no i do not agree men specially in the east are misogynistic hypocritical assholes like the men in this manga. Fk all of them.
I love how you criticize OP for taking their interpretation as fact when you're doing the same thing.
First and foremost, as someone who has actually studied victimization, your rape statistic doesn't reflect the actual prevalence of the crime. Rape is severely under-reported due rape myths, little to no sexual assault training for offices which leads to cases being classified as unfounded, and rape victims relation to the abuser. If you look at any self-reported victimization surveys issued by the federal government, the rates will always be higher than police data...unless you think they're all lying?
Now onto the story. You're right, everyone's fair to be suspicious of her because she's the enemy. But if you think gender doesn't play an additional role to their prejudice, you're actually delusional. Would they try to rape her before killing her if she was a man? (note: men of course get raped, but I'm talking in the context of the story) would they make her cook if she were a man? Her military strategies which could've won her country huge battles was dismissed because she's a woman, and when she presented a strategy the enemy, no one bothered to even consider the logistics of the plan before chalking it up to woman bullshit. I could go on, but I doubt you'll listen :/.
And this is what happen when 1. You think america is the world and 2. Think that the only abusers are the convicted ones. The world is full of abusers and full of victims too scared to ask for help. I do agree that not all men are monsters, but there's enough of them to be worried about it.
Also is really sad and scary the fact that you blame the victim for being abused (" meaning that unless you are very very very unlucky or very very very stupid...")
Sigh... you're just gonna ignore the things that you're wrong about and go on the attack are ya? Typical of someone who doesn't want the truth and only want to see their side of the story.
1.) Yes. America is not the world. If you want the entire world then I'll give you the statistic. Cause unlike you, I base what I say on the facts. Not opinion.
Statistically speaking, there is an average of 70.4 million people who are convicted of assault against women around the world. This is including both men and women rapist. Given that there are 7.53 billion people in the world and half of them are male, even if we were to say that the 70.4 million people were all men, that will only conjure up to a mere 1.8% of the entire male population. Meaning that only 2 out of 100 male are abusive. As you can see, the majority of male are not abusive.
2.) An estimation of the statistic states that 50% of abused goes unreported by women. If you double that number, that means only 4 out of 100 men are abusive. Which still doesn't justify your claim.
And you seem to be misunderstanding something. When I say YOU, I don't mean women in general. I mean YOU. Why? Because judging by the way you talk, you certainly won't date more than ten men lead alone a hundred. If among the ten men you date, one of them is an abuser, you're simply unlucky. Cause you only have a 4% chance that one of them is an abuser. And if knowing that he's abusive and you still choose to marry him anyway, you are a f@cking retard.
3.) And don't put words in my mouth. I never once said that the victim is at fault. I'm only saying that they're bad luck. But in your case, you'd be a retard. Cause unlike people who are forced to marry, you have the luxury to marry whom ever you want.
Sorry love but you keep putting the fault on the victim. And 4 out of 10 is a lot if what you are talking about is abusive behavior, and I do know what I'm talking about, I mean that's my work, abused woman are everywhere, sometimes they don't even know that what they are suffering is abuse and no, they are not stupid, they were young, didn't have a choice or simply didn't know what a healthy relationship looks like.
You see what you did there? You basically just refute everything that you said and twist your words in a way that makes you look like the nice person without admitting wrong.
Look carefully at what you said above. You claim that they only hate her because she's a women. Now, you're bring all these excuses to gear the conversation towards a different direction. You make it sound as though I'm saying that she being a women has nothing to do with how they treat her.
Fact, I never once said that she wasn't discriminate against because she was a women. I've only said that that wasn't the only reason why she was discriminated against. Which is what you claim to be the case.
As for men being pigs, I already proved to you as to why they're not. If you consider men looking down upon women as pigs then women are pigs as well. Cause I can say that women equally look down on other women as much as men look down on women. Cause fact is, it's not a person's gender that determine whether they look down on someone. It's a person's character. Gender has nothing to do with whether someone is going to look down on you. Only personality.
The same goes with abusive partner. Physical abuse isn't the only thing that people endure. Women are more prone towards verbal abuse. The only reason why nobody is reporting it is because there is no physical evidence to prove the abuse. The damage is done inside the heart.
And of course you're gonna encounter a lot of domestic violence at work. That's cause you're in a hospital. If you were working as a wedding specialist, you will have a completely different outlook.
Honestly, do you people even think about what you say and believe before you choose to say and believe them?
I already account for unreported sexual assaults. An estimated shows that 50% of rape goes unreported. Even if you were to triple the number of assault AROUND THE WORLD, the statistic won't go over a mere 4% why? Because most male are not abusive. That is a fact. Not an opinion.
And I repeat, I never once said that her SEX never factor into discrimination. I only said that her SEX is NOT the only thing in play in the discrimination. Please read what I said carefully before you make assumptions that are untrue. This is what happen when you are quick to attack instead of looking at the truth.
It's not 4 out of 100 you buffoon. It's 4 out of 100. Meaning that out of 10 guys, only 0.4 of them will be abusive. It's not even a full one man. And if you work at a place in which abused woman will seek your aid then of course you are going to see them all the time. But statistically speaking the majority of men are not abusive. The only reason why you think so is because you'er projecting your bias into the facts which makes your beliefs inaccurate.
let them. I think it's important to understand that that's what comment sections are for. You can always downvote if it triggers you.
And, yes the MC is a foreigner and that's a big part of why some of the officers don't like her, but in all brutal honestly, most of her maltreatment was because she is/was undervalued for being a woman. Let's be fucking real here.
Great manhwa, so far it's a 10/10. So curious to see how the emperor fell in love with the knight.
can we all just agree that bad shit happens in life and these guys in the manga are blatantly acting like pigs whether its because shes a woman or because shes taking attention away from them because the king likes her? THEY ARE SAYING SEXIST SHIT, they might not like her because of her being popular with the king yes but still i think some of it is because shes a woman. *if not most of it* for a good chunk of the men anyways, that was normal in the era ya know.
WTF BRA are you for fucking real? When did i twist my word they i said they literally hate her cuz she is a woman. Wtf are you on about anyway and they literally hate her more for being a woman then an Enemy of the nation.
Give her a pieces of land thats all a woman can hope for
Why give her a big piece of land she is a woman
Weather they use her being a woman as an excuse or anything DOES NOT MAKE IT ANY LESS SEXIST and i did agree with you they do have ulterior motives. What i said was the misogyny they show in this manga is quite relatable and btw im not a retard chimp that if I was a wedding planner ill tell you abuse. doesn't happen. All is fine pink and love is real. Me being a healthcare worker has nothing to do with the fact that i have this opinion. U can be blind as much as u want but don't twist my words i still mean what i said they hate her for being a woman and so do many men.
And don't give me statistics from the USA i was talking about my part of the world read my comment again, im from Asia and you can guess how well we women are treated here. I don't know how life is for men and women in America but in my country all men are literally this manga. They rape then blame the victim. If they can't blame her they blame her family for letting her go out. Can't blame the family they will blame her again. Brother and fathers treat women like their property. You can marry whom your dad chooses so don't preach to me it triggers my brain when i see people acting like maltreatment of women is such a small speck of a thing. Get out of ur fkin bubble sometime there are other places too and other women or do other women that don't count in your "statistics" Don't matter to you. Try traveling to the east as a woman and then tell me how safe and equal you felt
In all brutal honesty, the reason why the female MC is so admirable is because she's able to calmly and effectively deal with the misogynist in her life. Not bash on men simply because they mistreat her.
And let's be fucking real here. This is a work of fiction. It doesn't portray what reality really is. So don't try to project your bias perception of the world into a work of fiction.
Great manhwa, so far. Probably a 6/10 in my book which is quite good consider my average rating is 3/10. Curious to see how the MC carry herself with all the boulders to which is what will grab the prince's attention.
We all agreed on that already. The only problem is the fact that some people here seem to think that the majority of men in real life act like those in this manga. Not to mention stereotyping men's behavior and even labeling them as pigs. Don't project fiction into reality people. And don't parade your bias and inaccurate opinion as the truth.
I can not fathom all this hate, they don't care about her being from an enemy nation rather they just hate her cuz she is a woman and in real life that is how i have always seen men treat women atleast in my part of the world
This latest chapter really hit me in the gut i really don't like being sexist but many men really are pigs.