i find it funny.. its for comedy sake its not meant to insult and be racist. lots of comedians make fun of other cultures i dont see them getting hate for it. and the main character doesnt have european features!!! black people can have different features!! those features are not exclusive to europeans..
You're dumb if you can't see the wrong with this. Is nothing to do with tribe culture and btw Wakanda is not a real TRIBE, its a fiction movie black panther. That the mangaka decided to make to blackface characters.
you're even dumber if you cant see the intentions of the author. let me tell you other cultures are also being made fun of but if black people are being made fun of everybody suddenly becomes an advocate for blacklivesmatter. society is so centered on not offending black people that they ignore other races that are being used for comedy skits. if you are being offended by the fact that wakanda, which as you said is a fictional place in a movie, was used to depict a tribe of black people in a fictional comic then youre mind is narrow. since you only think of it as an act of rasicm against the black community. please look at the meaning of the words rasicm. it is the belief that ones own race is superior than the other. and i dont see that as an intention of the author in this comic.
you're even dumber if you cant see the intentions of the author. let me tell you other cultures are also being made fun of but if black people are being made fun of everybody suddenly becomes an advocate for bl... mightbeFBI
The first black character we're introduced to is illustrated with features inspired by 19th century minstrelsy, or black face. Black face is inherently racist in its depictions of black people (basically white people "dressing up" as black people and performing dances that were meant to mock what was perceived as black gestures/behaviors). Although this may not have been the author's intent, it is so astonishingly ignorant and just plain dumb of the author to depict a black person like this. Imagine the reaction if someone drew Chinese people with all of the racist stereotypes that exist in our contemporary knowledge of Asia. You're also ignoring the fact that China has also been known to participate in anti-blackness: https://supchina.com/2018/02/23/china-has-no-problem-with-racism-and-thats-a-problem/
The first black character we're introduced to is illustrated with features inspired by 19th century minstrelsy, or black face. Black face is inherently racist in its depictions of black people (basically white ... xochipilli
I also want to bring up the point that, as an English major, the first thing we learn when we are taught how to close read (the absolute foundation of literary analysis) is that the author's intent does not matter. We do not have the author in front of us, so we can't ask them what they meant, and we can't get inside of their heads either (and when analyzing pieces from the literary canon, the author is often dead). Anyways, allowing the author to speak on their work, or perhaps explain what they meant, also allows them to backtrack on what they wrote or persuade us to believe something else about their work, despite all the evidence being there. For instance, perhaps the author of this manga wasn't trying to be racist, but evidence of racist attitudes is being found in Non-Aid Relationship. So, I implore everyone to maybe stop whiteknighting an author who has no idea who you are and maybe exercise some critical thinking skills.
you're even dumber if you cant see the intentions of the author. let me tell you other cultures are also being made fun of but if black people are being made fun of everybody suddenly becomes an advocate for bl... mightbeFBI
The first black character we're introduced to is illustrated with features inspired by 19th century minstrelsy, or black face. Black face is inherently racist in its depictions of black people (basically white ... xochipilli
it happens in a lot of comedy skits. chinese , koreans, Filipinos, are being depicted with the stereotypes that society connects them with. narrow eyes, the way they talk, their behavior about money, things, etc.have tou ever watch family guy ?there are also other shows that portray a certain character with the societies stereotype for comedy skit. But i guess most people are not aware of it because the character is not black. real Rasicm is when a black person is stopped by a cop because they immediately assume that the black person did something wrong because he is black, rasicm is when a person says that a filipino automaticallly works as a maid because most of them work as ofws, rasicm is when a person assumes that a chinese person is automatically racist just because of one comedy skit that a tv station in china showed. if you people dont like this kind if humor then dont read it. its that simple. this is fictional. this is a comic. i understand the history of blackface and how it represents the what happened in history. but the author is not making a mockery of blacks. in some famous mangas they also depict blacks with thick lips and black skin but i dont see people hate commenting on those. and in this comic the characters a really africans ita not white people dressing up as african mocking them.
I also want to bring up the point that, as an English major, the first thing we learn when we are taught how to close read (the absolute foundation of literary analysis) is that the author's intent does not mat... xochipilli
why dont you backtrack how you defined blackface in your previous comment maybe you'll exercise some critical thinking.
why dont you backtrack how you defined blackface in your previous comment maybe you'll exercise some critical thinking. mightbeFBI
it may seem like im defending the author but im only saying whats right. the fact that the word racism is always being used to label even the simplest things even if its not.
why dont you read the meaning of racism so that you'll know what it really means. maybe you'll stop assuming that the author is racist. mightbeFBI
"rasicm is when a person assumes that a chinese person is automatically racist just because of one comedy skit that a tv station in china showed" if you read the entire article perhaps you'd notice that it wasn't just "one comedy skit", but multiple TV ads and attitudes expressed online. These are in no way meant to suggest that every Chinese person is racist, but that China isn't innocent when it comes to anti-blackness. Me including these examples is meant to represent that. And plenty of people point out the anti blackness of black anime characters illustrated with stereotyped features, you just have to be active enough in these kinds of discussions to witness it. And yes, the author is most definitely making a mockery of *black people (the very fact that you used "blacks" tells me everything I need to know anyway). Any form of caricaturization possesses a degree of mockery. Just because this comic doesn't show white people dressing up as black people doesn't mean these illustrations aren't inaccurate and dehumanizing. And yes, I've read the meaning of racism plenty of times, so why don't you return the favor and go on and read the rest of the article.
it may seem like im defending the author but im only saying whats right. the fact that the word racism is always being used to label even the simplest things even if its not. mightbeFBI
Maybe people are labelling simple things as racist because it is. Just a thought.
"rasicm is when a person assumes that a chinese person is automatically racist just because of one comedy skit that a tv station in china showed" if you read the entire article perhaps you'd notice that it was... xochipilli
i read your article. and it doesnt change the fact that you are all making too much of a big deal out of this. and me using blacks tells you all you need to know. how dumb is that. black people say whites but i dont see anybody getting angry at that. you read the meaning of racism but tou didnt understand it. all of your thoughts are one sided only thinking about the blacks but when it comes to other races , you ignore it. and if you have watched movies, indie films, documentaries, tribe people often look like that, it may not be always similar but its common.
black face is defined as the makeup used by a nonblack performer playing a black role. thats not what happened in the comic. period. mightbeFBI
I said it was "inspired" by blackface, did I not? I will admit that "inspired" isn't the correct word, I should have used "bears an uncanny resemblance" because it does, it's kind of hard to deny. Periodt poo
I said it was "inspired" by blackface, did I not? I will admit that "inspired" isn't the correct word, I should have used "bears an uncanny resemblance" because it does, it's kind of hard to deny. Periodt poo xochipilli
what i replied to you is the actual definition of black face so please read. and also maybe read other mangas. a lot out there depicts black people similar to this the only difference is they are drawn properly because they are not extras. and watch films showing the lives of tribes peoples. you'll see the resemblance. and since you said youre an english major i think you might have read some books where they describe a black person similar to this. since books dont have picture authors will describe the features of their character the way they are. its not racism. its just reality. but that doesnt make them less human. and this comic doesnt portray them less human. its not an acr of racism. it may be stereotype but stereotyping should not be as big of a deal you make it to be. because a lot of people are depicted with stereotypes for comedic purposes. as i said earlier if this humor doesnt appeal to you then do not read it.
what i replied to you is the actual definition of black face so please read. and also maybe read other mangas. a lot out there depicts black people similar to this the only difference is they are drawn properly... mightbeFBI
I have taken a course on the history of minstrelsy on the american stage in the 19th century. I know what black face is. I know it's definitions. I think I'll take the knowledge that I learned from a college course taught by someone with a doctorate over a comment on the internet. Stereotyping is an auxiliary of racism. Stereotyping is inherently dehumanizing because it makes generalizations of an entire race, effectively erasing the humanity of individuals that are a part of that particular race. And no, people from tribes do not look like that. They look like normal fucking black people. Not people with donut mouths. Not people with squiggly lines for hair. The author didn't even fucking try. And yes dude I have read books with fucking black people in them and, have you? Have you read Beloved by Toni Morrison? Sister Mine by Nalo Hopkinson? Do not ever compare the descriptions of what was illustrated in this manga to depictions of black people in literature. Black people written by black authors (which is often the case in contemporary literature) are treated with far more humanity and respect than what was exemplified in this piece.
i read your article. and it doesnt change the fact that you are all making too much of a big deal out of this. and me using blacks tells you all you need to know. how dumb is that. black people say whites but i... mightbeFBI
Black people can say whites because black people have never organized mass lynching mobs on innocent white people. Black people can say whites because black people didn't create a societal superstructure that has its foundations in the enslavement and stolen labor or white slaves. Black people can say whites because black people as a group class cannot oppress white people. There has never, ever, ever been a national set of laws in the U.S. or system put in place to systematically oppress white people or push them to a status that is 'less than'. Maybe I'll stop "only thinking about the ''''blacks''''" when people stop blindly defending poorly rendered, racist media. And bro, I'm Mexican, I think about the mistreatment of other races under all the time. I come from an immigrant family and I'm studying English so that I can apply to law school to become an immigration lawyer. I work at my campus dining hall as a shift leader with a chinese majority student staff. I prioritize their needs in front of mine because 1.) they're my student staff 2.) they're several thousands miles away from home studying in a completely foreign place. I sympathize with that and will fight for their right to be here despite our president's persistent trade war. I have escorted American students out of the hall for giving my staff a hard time on the basis of their race. Your flippant attitude on people making issues concerning race a "big deal" is outdated and, irresponsible, lazy and lacking in empathy.
I have taken a course on the history of minstrelsy on the american stage in the 19th century. I know what black face is. I know it's definitions. I think I'll take the knowledge that I learned from a college co... xochipilli
As many mangakas and comics practice, they dont put much effort into drawing extras since they are just extras. they put more effort into the main characters. if you are as well educated as you let me know in every comment, why is it that you can't differentiate stereotyping from actual act of racism. racism is more severe than stereotyping. stereotyping is a common belief about a certain group of people. and its often used in comedy strips. honestly from experience some stereotypes are correct because they are observe most of the time. racism is the belief that one's culture is superior than the other. thats where hate crimes and the kkk comes in. and yes i do read books. and describing a black man with thick lips, curly hair, etc is not dehumanizing in anyway because most often that is their actual physical appearance. if you think that is racist then your mind is racist as you cant differentiate between describing an actual appearance and insulting a human being.
Black people can say whites because black people have never organized mass lynching mobs on innocent white people. Black people can say whites because black people didn't create a societal superstructure that h... xochipilli
you are getting butthurt. the kempeitai raped women from china korea philippines to "relieve" themselves during ww2 but noome imposes those mistakes on their children. we are living in a different era now. what happened to black people before was tragic and should not be repeated but thay doesnt mean colors should be used as representations of negativity. if asians used the same logic that you do with "whites" and "blacks" all the japanese will be labeled as rapist. and i dont care about your family or ypur status or where you come from honestly. its good that your working hard for yourself. but your kind of thinking may just be the reason why other people cant just make fun of each other and move on in peace. because you make such a big deal out of it you even give me your life story. this is a different kind of comedy so if you dont like it then dont read.
i find it funny.. its for comedy sake its not meant to insult and be racist. lots of comedians make fun of other cultures i dont see them getting hate for it. and the main character doesnt have european features!!! black people can have different features!! those features are not exclusive to europeans..