The BL scan community seems to be in a bit of a rut right now, lots of groups disbanding and going on long breaks and not enough new groups are forming to fill the gaps. About a year or so ago there was new groups popping out of the woodworks left and right... now not so much anymore. All that’s updated frequently are webtoons and honestly I miss mangas... most of the webtoons I can read on official sites so it’s just pointless for me personally, I want to read things that can’t get access too. But I also don’t have the time to learn a skill and contribute and help out, so I really can’t complain. It’s just sad, I used to not be able to catch up on updates and now I’m grasping for new things to read.

Honestly I Agree. Another thing that I have seen is so many of the same scan communities take on so many mangas! Like they have so many bls under their wing causing them to not be able to get chapters out. They just grab bls to have them but they don’t actually dedicate the time into them. Like don’t take on a manga if you already have so many on going projects!!

Agreed, it sucks how they want to keep the BL under their wing but can’t even get an update out even after a few months. Like, you shouldn’t take on a responsibility that you can’t shoulder properly. This incident happen too many times and there are some translators who wanted to take on the BL project but we all know it’s an unwritten rule to not take on any projects that others have already taken so these translators had to hesitate and give up. What gives me a headache is when other translators take on their project, then they’d get angry even tho they don’t even give an update. And I’ve seen some translators who take profit in their translations (not donations) and I was so speechless cuz I thought it’s forbidden to take any profits since technically, the book isn’t theirs to begin with. Btw, this isn’t limited to BL manga translators but also novel translators.

Exactly!!! Like if you aren’t updating then just let someone else take the project, but we all know that isn’t gonna happen. And ya I don’t see how people want to profit out of doing so!? Like you Aren’t the creator of the manga so you have no right to get money out of something you didn’t create.
Honestly they make me want to start my own scan group..... but I can’t bring myself to :(.
I know I don’t have the time for it

Honestly, I'd totally be down to join a scanlation group or even start my own group. I have no experience but I'm very handy with photoshop and drawing so I can probably act as both a cleaner and a typesetter. I also have pretty good english grammar (scores to prove it to too) and can act as a proofreader. just need a raw provider and a translator honestly lol.

I thought I was alone too. I've been here for about 8 years now... yeah, long time. It's been wild but I feel even through the years there was always something new and exciting to look forward to. In my case, what I've been really into now are webcomics and isekai manga/webtoons (none are BL though, it seems new isekai BLs are coming out but it takes them months to update sadly...). They're great but I wish I felt as excited with BL manga like I did in the past.
Anyone feel like the quality of BL has gone down in the past few months? Many good popular series have either ended, stopped updating, or have gone on for so long that they're starting to turn dull.
I know there's still many great amazing series going on, but I just don't see as many great BL being updated any more (slow or no updates seem to be the biggest culprit). I'm not sure why but soo many series have just stopped updating. It's kind of sad :v idk