Is the chapter 19.5 a fan art/ doujinshi?

Lelelala098 December 19, 2019 1:28 am

Is the chapter 19.5 a fan art/ doujinshi? Because the art seems off.
Also i have been thinking that the friend that confessed to the little brother was the black haired one ( the one that went to pick ayato up ).
Andddd that the MC arldy fell into a cliché plot with the guy that pick him up when he was drunk! And he isnt even aware of it!!!! I wonder if it might develope into someting later. As well as the guy he tried to set up with tha glasses guy for notes... I think he hasnt evade those to bl cliches yet

    kaye December 21, 2019 7:18 pm

    That's a possibility for sure.