You've been properly brainwashed. Anyway, what you said is dumb. It's not smart people you need to beware of. It's the opportunist clowns who aren't even smart enough to know better than to waste their time on clueless snowflakes like you.
There's a nun factory I know of that would be a good place for "aromantics," otherwise known as "frigid." Some life that would be.
My doctor is not smarter than me by the way
I think this uke is the best because he's the rarest uke type that I've ever seen up till now.
1.He didn't look like he enjoyed getting raped
2.He didn't fall in love with anyone after getting raped or spending time with them,especially the first alpha who loves him
3.He didn't fall in love with anyone after they said they'd fallen for him or they'd kissed him.I really really like this aspect of the manga because I hate seeing needy and thirsty ukes who make every effort to be loved and who feel insecure.I think he's aromantic even if he's not, it's still good,tho he doesn't have to be in love with someone.I love it.