
I really want to said Subin love Hyung....but I can't...even thou he has him but still he seem lonely somehow....and for the orange hair....that's a sad ending indeed..he might single forever with Noonan ex-bf lol
I really want to said Subin love Hyung....but I can't...even thou he has him but still he seem lonely somehow....and for the orange hair....that's a sad ending indeed..he might single forever with Noonan ex-bf lol
This manhwa made me feel feel so anxious the whole time. I don't know if it was because of how realistic it was or because I'm not used to the MC not ending up with the first love, but it just made me so on edge. I'm happy that he ended up with Jun, but I felt so bad for Jun. Like was Sunbin ever actually in love with him? I just felt like Jun was a substitute. It's just so sad how realistic this is because real life is messy like this and I guess you usually don't end up with your first love. But damn to long for someone even after you know you can't have them... Doesn't make me hopeful at all :(