But it's annoying as fuck, the amount of people who keep mentioning it is crazy.
If you guys wanna talk about killing stalking then go fucking doing it in the killing stalking comment section tf

Agreed, I couldn't continue reading KS it wasn't my cup of tea yet i love POTN so much, if it was similar I would've loved both.

Wellllllll, after the initial shock of Killing Stalking and after following the fandom for three years, all the emotional trauma Koogi inflicted and the attachement to all of the characters, most Killing Stalking fans are hoping for the reward of reading a manhwa similar to Killing Stalking...and this is one of those manhwas.
Sure, it has a different setting and a vastly different plot but Seungho's arrogance and murderous eyes and the overall what-the-fuck feel of Painter of the Night reminds us of our dear not-so-cliche Killing Stalking. Manhwas like this are a needle in a haystack. They don't come by too often and there aren't many others to compare this to...except Killing Stalking.
I don't see why it upsets everyone when people compare. It's fucking cool. Seungho is an absolute monster. And yes, he reminds me of Sangwoo. Both characters are equally fucked up and I don't see why one WOULDN'T compare Seungho to Sangwoo after seeing his reactions to things he doesn't like. I mean, come on ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Maybe Sangwoo was worse...that's fair. He was pretty disgusting. But Seungho isn't too far behind in the super hot but arrogant murderer/rapist race.
This is an amazing story in it's own right. I don't think anyone tries to take away from that. Just let the fans be excited!

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVED ks. I read it since day one. But I find it annoying when there’s any other “fucked up, murder / rape” story line and it’s gets compared to KS. I don’t really see the comparison between Seungho and sangwoo either other than they are considered hot and killed people. I just feel like this story should stand by itself, it doesn’t need to be compared to anything else. You’re right, the story line and plot are different and if the only reason people bring up Ks is because of the “similarities” between Seungho and Sangwoo, then why even bring it up. This comment section IS NOT about killing stalking, potn IS NOT killing stalking, Seungho IS NOT Sangwoo, be excited all you want but why not do that in Killing stalkings comment section instead then. Wanna read a story like KS? Go reread it. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

By your logic, every terrible seme that raped and murderes would be comparable to ks. Ks had a more physiological aspect , sangwoo was literally a serial killer. But the seme in this one mostly the way he is because of his status and is just straight up an asshole. They're really nothing to compare here just that theybother murdered and rape.
And in no way is it "cool" to compare things to that extent. And you're right ppl have the right to comment whatever they want but it's really annoying when you're trying to read disscusions about THIS manga but the comment section is sometimes flooding with ks comments.
And in general hopefully ppl stop trying to compare any other manga/manhwa that comes out to ks and just try to enjoy story's for what they are.

Let's agree to disagree ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I didn't say that every insane character must be compared to Sangwoo. And yes, it IS cool to read another manhwa with a harsh undertone that doesn't solely rely on a romance between the seme and uke. You must be fun at parties...telling people that it's not cool to compare their favorite things. Lol.
Y'all kids is crazy.
I don’t get why people are comparing it to KS. The story line is different, the characters act different, bum had stockholm syndrome and the main character here doesn’t.. they don’t even look the same. I love KS but why bring it into this? Lol