About ur note @Hwa

Darlinggirl05 December 15, 2019 6:44 pm

Um honey @Hwa i love what ur doing for us fans but i think its important for us to critize, even tho im a fan of this manwha and would literally do anything to get a new update every day i dont think we should stop having disscussions about the manwha cause then we would just be blind fans... i agree that we should stop coming for each other about our fav ships but honestly this is what most comment sections look like and with the content of this manwha its important we disscuss the the things its messaging us,,,, so yeah please dont police the comment section mangago and Fujoshis are finally catching up when it comes to social awarness so please dont stifle the flame :)

    Daniyell's Wifeu December 15, 2019 7:03 pm

    Err.. actually i do agree with you. Everything!

    @hwa, i really really love your update. Seriously thank you so much for updating for us. We can never thank you enough! Love you so much.

    But... Let the comment section be. It is the place for them to tell their thoughts. Just not take it seriously, okay?