You seriously do not get it or at this point do not want to get it. NO ONE is taking away from the abuse Minki suffered within the relationship. But to say Wonho purposely chose this method in order to succeed is not only naive it's dangerous. Exploitation means having NO CHOICE. In the entertainment industry choice is an illusion. There is only the option that makes the most money. Wonho was caught in a rock and a hard place situation, more accurately he had a lesser of two evils scenario presented to him. THE instant Wonho was offered the 'option' of taking on sponsorship his fate was sealed. You are not understanding the simple logic of Wonho would have been seen and labeled as difficult and not a team player had he refused solidifying any excuse for a industry executive to have him removed from their roster of talent essentially destroying any chance of Wonho succeeding in ANY way. This is taking in mind had he refused before this exploitation truly corrupted him. The power in this industry is pervasive and insidious. MORE so in South Korea and Japan at this very moment if you even bother to read other comments remarking on the countries numerous entertainment scandals.
Everyone knows everyone and that means something. I personally work in the film industry in the USA and see and interact with big names regularly. You begin to see the same people at events, and begin to notice the ones to look out for who are never in front the camera but have more importance than any Hollywood star. People will always have a choice you are correct. Wonho had the choice of becoming an actor or simply walking away from acting in its entirety that's it. You clearly do no not know how this industry works so your repeated efforts to condemn Wonho for his behavior towards Minki and Wonho's own abuse as cosmic justice of a sort is victim blaming at its finest. Wonho's abuse begot Minki's abuse. It does not take away from either having faced trauma. This is not a pit olympics. Wonho's abuse created his abusive behavior, and we rightfully know this was caused by an industry comprised of exploitative rich powerful people, mainly the CEO and sponsors like Eunwoo. Why everyone is defending Wonho is because it is a very simply cause and effect explanation. Not that Wonho is some hero but also a victim of circumstance and inequality. Not this run around narrative you and others are creating to absolve those like Minki and Taeyoung who also benefit from the exploitation of those like Wonho because their status prevents them from being subject to it.
Why I particularly and others are frustrated with Minki is, Minki to more than some extent knows this reality and interacts with daily, but chooses to ignore it for his OWN convenience. Or at least the author has chosen to take a realistic approach of relying on Minki' privilege and naïveté as cause for his behavior. Minki is complicit to Wonho's suffering because he knows this is literally Wonho's ONLY choice, we have Minki saying as much should you reread the chapter of his trip down memory lane, but continues to place blame on Wonho when the blame falls entirely on sponsorships who continue this practice of prostitution and industry executives who pimp out their talent. Minki has been with Wonho for ten years and in those ten years he has added to the hostile and degrading environment of Wonho's purgatory calling Wonho a cheater, unfaithful, etc. A manager who piggy backs on this sentiment and adds fire to fuel as well, yet goes in the next day and hears evidence from his boss of yet another talent being cast aside in their usefulness to the company. The mindset is apparently so systemic in this fictional world, that Taeyoung sees his own cousin rape Wonho and still decides to cast the first stone at the person lying nearly defeated by the world itself, and exploit that situation for his own benefit as well. Making Taeyoung no better than his monstrous cousin.
I think you and others want to paint this situation as black and white and mainly find a someone to blame and who easier than Wonho. I do not like Wonho has a character but I will defend a fully realized character any day. I will never defend abuse or violence, but I will defend their victims. Wonho deserves just as much as Minki. Moreso Wonho who is arguably well written and actually has a narrative I can connect to because I actually live this reality as a cog in the machine. The helplessness Wonho finds himself in is real. I honestly have to wonder do you even consume pop culture to be this unsympathetic and uncaring to a situation you can literally turn on your tv on right now and see unfold as the latest news line?
I made an effort to read about half, give me a tldr or something
I have not for a second missed that there is something inherently wrong with the American (and British) and therefore by extension, the Asian popular entertainment industry, but Wonho does not deserve Min-ki either way.
Success doesn't only come from illegal activity like sex exchange. I get why one could think that in the ages of me too and Epstein but there are a lot of people who have gotten successful without having sex with an executive or selling their kid. You'd have to give me some clear cut proof for me to believe otherwise.
It's unfortunate that hard work doesn't always pay off, but that's why you plan ahead and have patience. Wonho was craving for fame and money too much and therefore abandoned his pride. I can't pity him for that choice. I can condemn the people that think such practices are ok, but I won't pity the people that choose(! I obviously understand rape is a huge part of it too) to partake in it.
Wonho was raped by this latest guy a couple of times and that is wrong, but what he did before that was consensual and Min-ki did not deserve to be treated that way before either.
I consume some pop culture, but frankly I condemn the pop industry as a whole and think Hollywood as it is today is a joke to culture. This has more to do with my opinions on consumerism than the conspiracies behind the curtains though.
And what do you expect Min-ki to do? Do you think he should say "I understand you have to have sex with all these people and I respect that and will ignore that it minimizes me and is mental abuse because you deserve to be rich and famous" because he was lucky to get fame? Does he owe it to Wonho to subject himself to abuse just because he didn't have to do that to earn success? No fucking way he does.
If you can be bother i've provided in my previous lengthy posts examples of what i've described. Secondly I should not have to educate you on these incidents to the point that you'll refute them as simple 'conspiracies'. If you do not to acknowledge them that's on you. My knowledge of the film industry stems from my work based in the NYC area. I will not go into further details for privacy sake. Lastly no one advocating for Minki to satay with Wonho. What Wonho and Minki have suffered are separate issues, they are related but one is not more important than the other, and not once have I said Minki should stay in an abusive relationship.
My point is Minki understands WHY Wonho is like he is but still places blame solely on Wonho as if Wonho is not a product of his environment. That is why Minki mentioning Taeyoung is an untarnished Wonho is so insulting, Minki's warped reality cannot even look past his boyfriend's exploitation caused his change. You can understand why someone is abusive and still not be required to forgive them that is completely fair, yet Minki chooses to make excuses for those have who wronged Wonho taking away from Wonho's own abuse. There lies his hypocrisy.
He doesn't owe Wonho to stay with him, he owes Wonho more than the treatment he's thought of Wonho's part to their lacking relationship but how Minki still benefited from it. Minki continues to get the fame without ever having to worry about the negatives, because people like Wonho keep the entire company a float. Making those devil deals to continue the cash flow that maintains Minki's paycheck and status. The behind closed door distribution deals, contractual obligations, and rights and licensing that are the backbone of films, music, and tv and support everything and everyone. That's the heart of the issue why I keep brining up Minki's own role in perpetuating Wonho's trauma because Minki knows this is what Wonho really is doing by selling himself. Minki is presented as having stayed with Minki out of convenience which we know is not entirely true, but because Minki does not acknowledge the element of exploitation and jumps at the introduction of Taeyoung this is how it entirely comes across. To paraphrase it looks like Taeyoung is Minki's reward for tossing Wonho aside as so many can in power do rather than Minki leaving an unhealthy relationship for is own sake.
How is it then that Wonho is 'cheating' when Minki benefits from this as well? When so many people benefit from that it goes all the way to the top? Besides Wonho getting the next job what does he actually get from this, when the reality is he can be tossed aside at any moment and he has gained only a damaged romantic relationship. I am realizing among this comment section people really do not understand situations do not have to mutual exclusive to be evidence to how both Minki and Wonho have been wronged. Yet they do cross over and I would be remiss to not acknowledge this. I shouldn't have to be going out of my way to defend Wonho if so many would stop picking sides to solely slander him and praise all other characters. As I said before I do not like Wonho but I completely understand him, something other readers appear to lack. If we lived in a perfect world we wouldn't even be discussing this, where people like Wonho have to exist, that Minki is abused as a result, but we don't live in that world so please stop encouraging the idea this is a simple narrative of simple opinions. YOU have given your opinion that someone like Wonho doesn't deserve sympathy as you've put it,I am saying acknowledge that this a VERY real dilemma beyond your clear indifference.
Alas I am but a privileged Scandinavian and therefore cannot understand the intricacies of such things as fame and idols for I do not stan idols, and I have no ambition in the art of reenacting consumerist creation. My insight on such matters is highly limited for American news media is either expensive or untrustworthy for matters where political bias is existent.
I do not pity Wonho and I do not pity Min-ki, I do not pity taeyung and I do not pity eunsung. I do not pity you and I do not pity myself. On Min-ki being privileged I understand, on Wonho being not I do too. He chose to take the bait and then and there lost my respect. Not that he had any of it before I knew about it, since he was introduced as an abuser lmao
At least we can agree on Eunsung being the worst perpetrator of abuse I hope.
I still don't understand what you think Min-ki should do though. I agree it was kinda weird of him to compare Taeyung to Wonho but you obviously think there's more to it than Min-ki being extremely bad at letting go. From the beginning there was a lot I didn't like in him, but I recognized early on that he acted similar to people who are in very abusive relationships, it's very hard for them to let go. They probably should have broken up 8 - 5 years earlier than they did and that annoyed me a lot, but I understand why he didn't.
My understanding of Wonho's character is that he is acting because he wants to be famous and not because he loves to act. I do not respect that in him. I think to redeem that he needs to be able to throw away his fame in order to shed light on what he's been subjected to. This will not redeem how he has acted towards Min-ki though, I guess you would agree.
Whatever. I won't read your reply if you give one, that's for someone else to do. I'll move over to rant about how their manager is kind of a complete piece of shit. (Remember how he told Min-ki to stfu about being abused because that would tarnish his image like bro)
The thing is I completely understand where you are coming from when you phrase it like this. I’m complaining more so about your previous posts and others have is pitting Minki and Wonho against each other as if one is more pitiable than the other. I too don’t event like any of the characters but I’m just invested in the story because it’s so novel for yaoi to have something this is not simple cliches and contrived garbage. And yes we can agree and disagree upon elements of the story, but yes I’ll unanimously agree that Eunwoo and the manager can go eat shit and die.
I think you should put your point of view in new comment section rather than replying to other people comment. People wouldnt give any shit to read it, even though you make such a good point in here.
I do agree with you, people blaming Wonho's too much while he had suffered from exploitation and manipulation of industries. K-Industries are much more harsher especially towards idol, and it have lots of proof how much this kind of sponsorship can lead you to a bad end.
Min-ki got raped and abused. Asked Wonho to stop taking sponsorships many a times and even excused him for being abusive and two-timing. He didn't stop. The least he deserves is a breakup.
Everyone who enters the entertainment industry, theatre, television, music etc knows that in order to be guaranteed to be successful you need contacts. If you don't have contacts (which you'll get by mingling, doing free work, studying at carefully chosen schools etc) you're in a really tight spot, at least if you're in a hurry to succeed. Wonho made a choice to prioritizing selling sex over building a contact network (something he now has but it's very sensitive to breaking because of the wrong choices he made) and he made the choice because his boyfriend was extremely lucky which made him feel worse. The low he is in right now is purely his own doing, and saying he's a victim is in my opinion very inaccurate.
I'm not saying this because the superiors who gave him these options don't have any blame, they're awful too and they exploit the desperateness of people who don't succeed.
My only point is Min-ki has not done anything wrong.